35: The Type Of Person You Are

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You're the type of person that helps everybody. No matter what race, gender, or sexual orientation. You grew up in a home that taught you this at a very young age. Your kindness and helpfulness got passed down to your kids along with Jax.

Smart yet fun. You're very intelligent in all parts of life. Your experienced in a lot of things and your a great listener. Yet, you make everything fun. You're not stuck up at all. You're funny as hell and everybody realizes that when you're around the guys.

Badass. One word describes you and also Happy. It's often said that you're exactly like Happy but in a females body. You don't take shit from anybody and you're scary looking but hot as hell. You're kind of a bitch too.

Goofy. You can't take anything serious but you try. Most people love you but there's always haters that hate on you and Juice. You and Juice are the same person, happy-go-lucky.

Bitch. You're one of the most bitchiest person that ever walked into a club members life. But you're a fun bitch. You have no filter, you talk shit, and fight. But funny and happy most of the time.

Normal. What ever normal is for the club, it's you. You have a regular job and live a regular life. The only thing weird is that you're with Opie. Your bring a sense of normalcy to the club.

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