38: Chibs Imagine

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For IzzieSabisch hope you like it love! Sorry it's short!

"Y/N come here please!" Gemma yelled from the end of the hallway. You roll your eyes at her and get dressed, putting your Kutte on last. You walked down the hallway, passing JTs motorcycle on your way. Your boot covered feet not making a noise.

"This is Filip but he goes by Chibs." Jax said as you walked into the main room. Only the club members were in the room. You nodded your head and went behind the bar. The man looks at you weird but doesn't say anything. You grab two glass cups and fill half of it with Jameson, handing one to the new guy and one for your self.

"I'm sure you heard about her by now. That's Y/N but we call her Cage, the only female Son in the world." Clay said, going up to you pulling you into a hug. You shrugged him off and hopped on the counter that held the liquor.

"Are you transferring here?" You ask. Chibs snaps his head back at you and smiles. His eyes lighting up a little.

"Yes lass." He answered. You look at him and smile. Eyes wondering all over him. You stop at the scars on his checks. You smile even harder at him. He senses that you noticed and looks away quickly.

"They call you Chibs because it's an Irish street blade right?" You ask. He looked at you again. This time he nodded. Him not trusting his voice. You pull up your shirt up to your ribs, your whole stomach one big scar. It was red and ugly but you loved it. Scars mean that you lived and survived.

"When I was in the army an enemy hated me and put me in a cage. Had to break the cage to get out, got cut when getting out. That's why they call me Cage." You say. He looked at you and for the first time he laughed. He raised his glass and so did you.

"Looks like we both have killer scars gorgeous, Cheers!" He yelled as he brought his lips to the glass on Jameson. You did the same. The rest of the club said nothing and kept their distance and let you take control.

And that's who a friendship blossomed into something more. Chibs came out of his shell and you changed for the better. Both of you bringing out the best in each other.

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