99: The Rise And Fall Of SAMCRO

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Being an old lady, you never thought that any of this would happen. You never thought about getting put on lock down or having the police up your ass 24/7.

You witnessed with death of nearly ever SAMCRO member. Witnessed them going to jail and coming out stronger. Witnessed the end of relationships and the start of them.

You realized how strong you are. Realized how strong your old man is. Realized that even the kindest people can be the most damaged. Realized that even though you thought you knew someone, that their actions are still unpredictable.

You longed to go back to four years ago when Able was just born and everyone was still alive. Longed to go back to when you first meet your old man and told him that you were going to change.

Over the course of 4 years you changed. You got stronger and wiser and damaged. This life changed you, changed the man you fell in love with, changed the way you thought about people.

You started trusting people less. Started questioning more and more things. Realized that a locked door isn't going to keep people out. Realized that no one is untouchable.

You call it the rise and fall of SAMCRO. It started with Pinnys death but ended with Jaxs and all the ones in between the two.

But maybe the rise and fall of SAMCRO was really the rise and fall of you.

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