40: Happy Imagine

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You and Happy have been going out for many years. Not a lot of people know that Happy has a sensitive side. The only people that really know this side of him is his mother and you . So when he comes home from a long run or a rough day, you make sure to take care of him. 

It would be different things. One day you might cook his favorite meal or give him a back massage. Or sometimes you let him let his anger out in rough adult activities. What ever it is, you take care of him. 

A lot of times people in gangs or motorcycle clubs look like everlasting machines with no conscience. People assume that Happy is one of those people. People assume that everyday for him is the same and that the stuff that he does for the club doesn't bother him or keep him up at night. But it does, and you know the truth. 

After Jax died everything changed in the club. Chibs became colder. Tig was happier, not because of Jax's death but because he found love in Venus. But Happy, seemed the same but he wasn't. He was more loving and compassionate to his brothers and to you in front of his brothers. Jax taught him that and it was very hard not to notice. He still didn't talk all that much and he was still a crazy mother fucker. But one night it hit him hard. 

"Why the fuck did it have to be him?" Happy questioned. You guys were sitting out in your shared backyard. He was drinking a beer and you were drinking a Hard Mike's Lemonade. He was looking up at the stars and you were staring at the wood deck. 

"I have no idea baby." You say back. Even though Happy didn't say a name, you knew who it was. Jax and you were close. He saved you from yourself and brought you to Happy when you needed him. Jax and you were like siblings and Happy was both your best friends. Everyone seems to forget how close Jax and Happy were and how close Happy was to his kids. 

"He didn't deserve it. His kids deserve to know who their father is." Happy never talked about what happened that day that Jax got hit by that 16 wheeler, going out the same way that his father went out. All you remember is Happy coming home with a hole in his arm and tear marks running down his face. It happened so quick, you put the pieces together and you started balling. Both you and Happy cried on the kitchen floor. After that, you didn't bring it up and neither did he. 

In one swift move, Happy threw is beer bottle on the floor of the deck. You didn't jump or scream or really do anything. You drank the rest of your alcoholic beverage and slide the bottle to Happy. He looked at you for a moment then at the bottle. He grabbed it and smashed it one the deck. 

You went into the kitchen where beer bottles were scattered along the counter and brought them out to Happy. One by one he threw them at the deck. The only sound you heard for a straight 5 minutes was glass breaking. You stood at the door as he did it. You didn't want to get in the middle of him coping with the fact that Jax was gone.

That's how you took care of him that night. You let him smash all the glass in your house. The empty beer bottles. The empty Jack, Whiskey and Scotch bottles. The cups, plates and bowls. All of them smashed on your deck. Your old man falling asleep looking at the stars. And you cleaning the little glass cuts on his hands as he slept. 

It didn't matter how you took care of him, all that matter is that you did. It didn't matter that Jax's been gone for over a year now, all that matter is that his gone.

For @IzzieSabisch hope you like it love!   

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