94: When Juice Died

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Happy never had a problem with Juice. He talked to him and was friendly with him enough but he would never think that he would be killed. To be honest Happy was fine with his death but he was still upset about it, Juice being his brother and all. He didn't cry for him like he did Jax or Bobby.

Tig never thought that Juice would end up where he was. He never thought he would turn rat or help Gemma get away with killing Tara. To Tig, Juice was always the joker and the funny guy. When he heard the news that he got stabbed he couldn't believe but he knew Jax knew it was going to happen. Tig hated how it all worked out.

One right after the other for Chibs. Juice and Jax were like his kids. He witnessed the down fall of both of them. Juice was still a kid in Chibs eyes and was pressured into working for Roosevelt. Juice died and then Jax and then Chibs was president. For Chibs to say that he shut down for a week or two was a understatement. He couldn't but into words what he felt for Juice. Chibs saw a lot of himself in Juice and he can't fathom the idea of his life without him. But Chibs now has too.

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