48: What Your Parent's Think Of Him

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They think that you could do better. Not because of his personality or his looks, but because he drives a motorcycle and has a child with another woman. After a couple of months of dating, they get to see the side that you see everyday, the loving father side that he likes to hide with a motorcycle. After that, your parents don't say anything bad. 


The only problem they have with Chibs is that he's a lot older than you. But after you expressed that age doesn't matter and that you love him and that he loves you, they're fine with the relationship.

They hate everything about him. They hate how he drives a bike and has tattoos. They hate the age difference and how he doesn't talk. They hate when he talks because how deep and raspy it is. They hate how he kisses you in front of them like he owns you. They hate that you love him for who he is. Your parents are just haters. 


They adore him. He's a guy version of you and they find that adorable. He's sweet and honest (most of the time) and they like how much he loves you. 


You don't really talk to your parents are all but when they meant him, they didn't care for him. You and Tig didn't make an effort to talk to them and your parents didn't make an effort to talk to Tig. 

They like Opie. They like how he puts his family first and how respectful he is of you. You told your parents that he was a Son but they didn't care. Opie turned out to become a sons of theirs. Your parents started to love Opie when he asked for permission to marry you. 

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