85: Dating Them Includes

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- doesn't let guys talk to you
- rather stay in bed then go to Friday night parties
- cuddles with you all the time

- drunk sex is a given
- kissing his scars
- beating the other couples at all the drinking games

- one on one fighting matches (Happy always letting you win)
- making funny faces at him to see if he cracks a smile
- lots of midnight bike rides

- pulling pranks on each other
- smoking weed all the time
- sleeping on the clubhouse couch because both of you were to high to move

- going to animal shelters to pet all the dogs
- disappointing your families (your parents; his kids)
- being kinky in front of everybody making people feel awkward

- watching kid movies because he has kids
- braiding his hair
- going to the cabin because Pinney wasn't there for once

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