70: Opie Imagine

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"What the fuck Op!" You yelled walking into the clubhouse. You didn't care who was around and all you saw was red.

"What?" He questioned like he didn't know what he did.

"You took my car to a strip club and left it there and it got towed away. Pay for it and get my fucking car back!" You yelled. Opie's face redden when his brothers started laughing. "Oh shut up Tig, we all know that your so called girlfriend has aids."

"That's not funny Y/N. You can really hurt a hookers feelings by saying that." Tig fired back at you. You flipped him off and handed the bill to Opie. He looked at and swallowed.

"Yeah, expensive right?" You asked. Opie shock his head and put it in his pocket.

"I'll pay it." Is all Opie said before he walked away. You followed him with your eyes. You grabbed the nearest bottle and was going to throw it at him until someone picked you up.

"Put me down right now!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. You started to hit there back until you realized who it was. "Bobby, please put me down. I wasn't really going to throw the bottle at him."

"Yes you were darling. We're going to have a little chat in my room." Bobby said. He opened his dorm and walked inside. He put you down on the chair and he sat down to the one next to it. Bobby's dorm was more of an office then a bed room.

"I don't have a lot of time Bobby. I need my car." You tried to get up but he gave you a look at told you to sit down.

"What's going on with you and Op?" He asked.

"He wants a kid and I don't. If he wants to knock up some whore then he can but I'm not ready for a kid."

"He means well, Y/N. I'm sure he didn't mean to get your car towed."

"I don't even know why he took my car. I can't deal with this shit."

"You thinking about leaving?" Bobby questioned.

You thought for a moment. You thought of all the good times but you thought about the hard time too. Opie didn't tell you shit about the club and you didn't care so that wasn't a problem with you leaving. "Yeah. I'm not going to get cheated on."

"Do you love him?" Bobby asked.

"Of course I love him." You answered without thinking, because you didn't have to. You loved Op with all your heart. You would give your life to save his but you don't think he would do the same.

"Did you tell him your not ready for a kid?"

"Yes and he still went out and probably cheated on me. Because cheating on me is a great way for me to let him impregnate me."

"He hasn't cheated on you. I was with him at the strip club and he only ordered drinks. Y/N, I think you guys just need to talk. Darlin, that man loves you a hell lot." Bobby said.

You crossed you arms and raised your eyebrow, "so you knew that he took my car and didn't say anything!" You yelled. You got up of the couch and walked towards the door only for Bobby to call out.

"Always a pleasure to spend time with my niece."

"Oh suck it!"

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