39: Little Things That He Notices About You

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The way you always wink at him when he's getting dressed or undressed. You loved his body and he loved when you winked at him. 

When you drink something really fast and you get the hiccups, Chibs finds the adorable. He loves how you say excuse me after the first 5 but after that you saw fuck it and don't care about being proper. Chibs just finds it really cute. 

When you chew on your nails. You have naturally long nails so when you are bored or nervous, you just chew on them. You don't bite them off or anything, you just chew. Happy bugs you about it all the time but secretly he loves it and finds it cute. 

When your nervous you play with the ends of your shirt. It's no secret that you and Juice are weird, so unlike most girl, you play with your shirt. It doesn't matter if it's a dress shirt or a tank top or a baggy old worn out t-shirt, you play with it. 

When your bored you chew on your cheek. It happens a lot around other females and Tig makes sure to keep an eye out for it 

You bite your lip. It doesn't matter why or how, you just do. Opie tends to catch you do it when your helping the kids or cooking or reading. 

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