88: Happy Imagine

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Happy pulled into the small driveway and cut his bike. He sat on the bike for a moment and listened to what was around him. The house across the street had all their lights on and there front door was wide open. There was Spanish music being played from the house. From where he stood he could see what looked like a teenage girl dancing in the living room. 

Happy got off the bike and walked to the front door. He knocked twice and the door opened revealing his mother. 

"Hey ma." Happy said at the sight of her. His mother pulled him into a hug and when she let go she looked at the house across from her. 

"She shouldn't have the door open like that. Someone can break in." Happys mother pulled him inside, "Sit. I'll get you some ice tea." 

"She always play music?" Happy question. His mother came in with two glasses of ice tea and sat on the couch next to her son. 

Happy's mom looked at him and smiled, "she always plays music. Even at night. The only time it isn't on is when she leaves." 

"That don't bother you?" Happy questioned sipping on his tea. 

Shaking her head the old lady answered, "No." 

Later that night Happy got ready to leave. He had to be in Charming by morning so he was leaving abut 3:30 in the morning to be there by 6:30. He walked out the house and locked the door. When he turned around he looked at that girls house. 

The front door was now closed but the music was still going. The kitchen light was still on but nothing else. Happy got on his bike and walked it out of the driveway. He looked inside the living room window to see a young girl curled up on a couch reading a book. He shock he head and rode off to Charming. 


"That bitches music is so fucking irritating." Tig said. The club was at Happy's moms house because of the stolen guns thing. 

Happy turned to the house and looked at it. The front door was open and the girl was in what looked like a laundry room singing and dancing. "I hate it." 

Jax called the guys over and started talking about a plan. "So we go to that lady's house and ask about the guns and... and..." Jax snapped his head to the girls house and then back to Happy. "You know her?" 

"Nah." Happy replied. Jax looked back at Happy then smirked. 

"Lets go make a new friend." Jax walked down the driveway to the house across the street. The girl looked older then Happy thought she was. Maybe 20 or 21. Jax walked up to the house and banged on the screen door. The girl turned her head to look at them, then continued doing what she was doing. 

"Hey! Can you turn down your music!" Jax yelled. The girl looked at him and cupped her ear and leaned forward a little, egging him on. "Really? You want to play this?" Jax opened the door and stepped in. The girl not being phased just stared at them as they entered the house. 

"Found it!" Juice yelled as he unplugged the stereo making all the noise stop. Jax sat down of her couch and Happy and the others followed. The girl walked out of the laundry room where she was into the living room into the kitchen. 

She pulled out bread and lunch meat and cheese and started making sandwiches. After she made at least ten she pulled out brown paper bags and went into the fridge again. She grabbed a water bottle and a juice box and put it into each paper bag. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Jax asked. Jax tried to get up before a gun cocked against the side of his head. 

"What the hell are you doing in Jessie's house?" The man asked. Jax put his hands up in surrender and got up slowly turning to face him. 

The rest of the Sons had guns against their heads as fast as Jax did. Happy looked around and noticed ten big buff black guys in the small house. He then looked at the small Hispanic girl with a face full of mischief. 

"Look, my guns got stolen today and her music was distracting. Asked her to turn it down she didn't. All I wanted to do was talk." Jax explained. The guy dropped his gun off Jax's head and the rest of the guys followed. 

"Her music can get annoying." The leader said. 

"Oh fuck you. Why don't you guys go make your own lunch. Everybody out of my house." Jessie said. 

"Bitch I pay for this house. Now give me my sandwich." The leader said. He walked into the kitchen a grabbed the bag. "You put mayo on this?" 

"Of course I did. Can you leave?" Jessie asked to all the men in her house. 

"Your not going to make them something? Thought Hispanic women are supposed to be making food all day long." The leader said to the girl. 

Cursing him out in Spanish the girl walked out of the kitchen into what looked like a bedroom. The guy shrugged his arms and pulled out his sandwich and started eating it. "Guess she ain't making you a sandwich." 

"I couldn't tell." Jax replied walking out of the house. 

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