37: Opie Imagine

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AN: this is my first imagine. Please leave request if you want on! For @brookesmith637 hope you like it!

Brooke sat on her bed that she shared with Opie. It was small and caused them to sleep on top of each other at night. But lately he hasn't been home.

It's been a struggle with the both of them. Brooke was the little sister on Tig. Coming around when she was 16 and Opie and Jax were 17. Now Brooke's 25 and married to Opie.

The struggle doesn't end with Tig. They've been wanting a baby even since they got married 4 years ago, with no luck, they started falling apart. Opie hasn't been coming home lately and hasn't been answering her calls,  and when he did, he sounded irritated.

It was ten o'clock at night, and Brooke had enough. Grabbing a suitcase she started throwing clothes in. Bras, panties, shirts, shorts, jeans, socks, and everything she would need.

Hearing a bike pull up, she went to the bathroom and grabbed stuff that she needed.

"Babe! Where are you?" Opie asked. He walked in the kitchen to see the dishes done and everything cleaned. He shrugged and went around the house. Going into the shared bedroom did he stop at the door. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving Opie! You're never home and I can't take it!" Brooke yelled as she piled more and more stuff into the bag.

"Brooke, I can explain. Baby please, I...I..." Opie started to say something but closed his mouth. He watched as his wife continued to pile clothes in the suitcase. He watched as she wiped at her eyes and her shoulders moved up and down.

"I'm going to my brothers." Brooke stated as she turned around and stood at the foot of the bed. Her usual bright eyes, were red and puffy. Her nose red from irritation, her cheeks stained red and wet from the tears.

"Let me talk Brooke!" Opie yelled as Brooke zipped up get suitcase. She grabbed it and walked forward. Opies blocking the door didn't let her leave. "Please don't do this."

"Where were you Op!" Brooke hit his chest. Opie took it, each hit as she repeated hitting his chest.

"I was working extra for the club." Opie grabbed her hand, stopping her. But he grabbed her with a little to much force than needed. When she looked up did he know that he fucked up.

It happened in slow motion. Brooke raised her hand, it slapping his check with so much force it moved left. Opie then pushed her back, Brooke falling to the floor.

"You dick!" Brooke yelled, tears running down her face. Neither one of them knowing if it's because of the push or emotions.

"I... I didn't mean to." Opie shuttered from the door frame. He reached out for Brooke but she flinched away. In one swift move, Brooke grabbed her bag and stormed out of the house and started her car.


Tig's House:

Knocking on the door did Opie have butterflies. This is his wife, why was he nervous? Tig knew the truth, so he would of told Brooke, right?

"Go away!" Brooke screamed from the kitchen as Tig opened the door. Tig looked at his brother and raised his left eyebrow.

"You heard her Op." Tig said. Opie rolled his eyes and tried to get into the house. Being 6'4 had advantages but when it comes to Tig and his little sister, someone 10 feet tall couldn't get through Tig.

"Please man. She's my wife." Opie tried again but he had no luck. Tig stepped outside and closed the door.

"Opie I told her what you've been doing and she understands it. She feels fucking horrible man."

"I pushed her down, Tig. I hurt her! I promised her that I would never hurt her!" Opie sat down  on the step and put his face in his hands.

"That girls been through worse things than getting pushed down. She feels stupid and dumb for leaving." Tig sighed, patting Opies back. "Go in there."

"You sure?"

"Man, just fucking go." Opie stood up and brushed himself off. Grabbing the handle to the door did he sigh to himself.

As Opie walked in, Brooke was walking into the bathroom. He followed her and cleared his throat. Brooke turned around and looked at him. They stared at each other for what felt like years, hell centuries.

Walking forward, Opie took her into him and held her. He held her as she said sorry and he held her as he said it too.

"I have something to tell you." Brooke stated after a couple minutes of hugging. Opie looked down and she looked up at him.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." Brooke said smiling. Opie leaned down and kissed her. A full on kiss, a kiss like none other.

"I'm going to be a dad?" It was more of a question then a statement. Brooke chuckled a little and smiled.

"And I'm going to be a mom!"

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