30. Favorite Smell On You

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Vanilla. The first time he saw you, you were wearing a vanilla scented perfume and he loved it. Now every time he's out and happens to find a vanilla scented perfume and actually likes it, he buys you a bottle.

Floral scents are his favorite on you. It reminds him of his childhood in Belfast and his mother wore similar scents. It was a little weird when he said that he liked the scent because of his mother but now you got so used to it, you don't think twice about wearing it. 

Honey and Vanilla. Much like Jax, it was the first scent that he smelled on you and he makes you wear it every time you guys go out. You've been wearing the scent half your life so when Happy said that he liked it, you were glad because you weren't going to change it anyway.

Lavender. Juice was never someone that liked perfume on a women so you only spray a little here and there. Plus, the soap you use everyday to stay clean is lavender scented.

Sweet smells. It doesn't matter if it's cotton candy or another scent, he just likes you to smell sweet. Tig's cologne is very strong and it makes him smell like a man in a mob so your sweet perfume evens it out.

Opie likes the clean smell. Almost like laundry detergent. He likes walking up to you and smelling you, getting the smell of stale cigarettes and pussy out of his nose. It makes him feel clean when ever he smells you.

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