34: The Guys And How They React To Their Daughters Dating A Guy

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"Why the hell does that asshole get to come in my house and eat my food!" Jax yelled. He yelled so that the guy and his daughter would hear it. Jax thought that his baby girl was to young to date and the guy was to old to be dating her. In truth they were only two years apart. While Jax and you are ten years apart.

"She's a teenager Jax. Let her figure stuff out on her own." You say as you continued to make dinner for everybody.

"Because she's a teenager doesn't mean she has to date an asshole." Jax states from beside you. You rolled your eyes and stared chopping vegetables for a salad.

"You're going to play nice Jackson. You can set down rules at dinner." You gave him a look that silently told him to shut up. "Now get me out the lettuce."

"Mom, Daddy, this is my boyfriend." You looked up when your daughter entered the office of TM. You're the queen and has been for a long time now. Chibs looked up from his spot on the couch next to the desk.

"Nice to meet you ma'am and you to sir." The boy states. You smirked when the boy shock Chibs hand.

Chibs went to speak but before he could your daughter pulled him away. Chibs chuckled a little and closed the office door.

"Why didn't you say anything?" You questioned.

"I already know the kid." He answered.

"You do?"

"Yeah, that's Thomas Teller." Chibs said. You looked at him and smiled.

"I knew he looked familiar. Exactly like Jax."

"I'll kill you." Happy said as all of you eat dinner at the dinner table. It was Happy, you, your daughter, and your daughters boyfriend.

"Dad!" Your daughter said while smirking. Happys face was nonchalant.

"Do you really have to do that to everyone Hap?" You asked in Spanish as you studied the boy next to your daughter. Happy snapped his head towards you and shrugged, digging into his steak.

"I promise I won't hurt her, Mr. Lowman." The boy stutters looking up from his plate. His eyes show no fear but his voice does. You laughed a little from your seat next to your old man.

"He won't kill you, hon." You say sweetly. Your manicured fingers digging into Happys thigh under the table. It was something you've done for over 20 years, it signally him to stop whatever he's doing without embarrassing him.

"No, I'll kill you."

"God damn it Happy!"

"Why?" Juice asks all the sudden. You were in the kitchen doing dishes as Juice sat on the counter sipping a beer. You watched from the window as your 14 year old daughter had her friends and her boyfriend over in the big pool.

"Why what babe?" You questioned back.

"Why does she have to grow up?" He asks. You looked at him and saw sadness in his eyes. You chuckled a little and continued to do the dishes.

"Because she needs to. The clubs been babying her. This is the only normal thing. You have other children, you know. Just wait until the little one grows up."

"He's a boy, it's different."


"Because he's not my little girl Y/N. Shes to young for this."

"Juice, I love you but it was going to happen sooner or later."

"I know."

"No way man." Tig said to your daughters "boyfriend". He just asked Tig if he could date her, well more like told him.

"Why not?" The boyfriend asks. Your daughter was behind her father, her hands placed on the back of his kutte.

"I'm not having some want-to-be gangster date my daughter. Get the fuck out of here." Tig said. The boy frowned and looked past Tig to your daughter.

"I'll call you babe." Your daughter nodded her head and glared at Tig.

"No your not asshole." Tig answered. Your daughter hit his back and plopped down on the couch. Tig stuck out his tongue and plopped down next to her. "You deserve better. I don't want you with a Son."

"Have her back by ten. If she's not, I'll go out looking for her." Opie said from the driveway. It was your daughters first date with a boy since her last breakup. Opie knew the kid from around town, and from what he knows, he's a good kid. He had no worries about his daughter out with this guy. 

"Yes Mr. Winston." The boy said as he opened his SUV door for your daughter. You smiled from the window at your husband and also at the young boy. After they pulled out of the short driveway Opie came in. 

"You spying on me?" He questioned. He plopped down on the couch next to you, wrapping his muscular arms around your frame. 

"Of course." You said. You paused for a moment. The other kids were asleep and it was quite for once. "You ok with her going out with this kid?" 

"Yeah, I think I am." He answered. You smiled up at him and he smiled back. 

"You going soft?" 

"Not a chance babe. Now go get me a beer." 

"Asshole." You joked. You got up and went into the kitchen. When you came back with a beer, you spotted Opie looking at a picture of your daughter and him. Smiling softly, you existed the room.  

For @BrookeSmith637 . Hope you liked it doll face!

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