83: Tig Imagine

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"We need to find him before the others find out!" You whispered yelled to Tig. 

Tig looked at you and frowned his eyebrows, "What the fuck are you saying kid?" Tig questioned. 

You snapped your head towards him and walked towards him, you gripped his face and pulled his face closer to you. "Able's cat escaped. Able cries, I die, it'll be fun. Now lets go find that cat." 

It was 3:00 O'Clock in the morning and you and Tig were outside Jax's house looking for a cat. You were babysitting Able and when you went out to the car to get something you left the door open and the cat got out. So your first thought was to call Tig. 

"This fucking cat ain't out here. I'm going inside." Tig said after about three minutes of searching.

 You turned around and marched up to him. "I will make you breakfast if you stay out here a little longer." 

"I want pancakes with walnuts and banana." Tig said after a moments thought. You smiled and walked down the street calling for the cat. 

"Let's circle around and see if he's back at the house." You said after another ten minutes of looking. 

When you got to the house you saw the living room tv on. "Oh fuck." You said. You ran into the house and ran into the living room. On the couch was Able holding his cat. 

"I found kitty outside. She meowed so I let her in." Able said. You walked up to the cat and petted it. Tig came in moments later with a cat in his hand. 

"Found it." Tig said placing it on the floor. 

"Yay, another kitty!" Able said excitedly. 

You looked at Tig and started laughing. "Thanks dad."  

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