41: Tig Imagine

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Gabby and Tig have been married for years. They even have a little boy named Daniel. Tig's been stressed lately. With everything going on with Pope and him killing his daughter, he was stressed and scared for his families life. He didn't want his son or wife to be killed by Pope. He didn't want to be killed by Pope and leave his son and wife alone. 

Tig was sitting on the couch, drinking his 5th beer and watching a cop show. He was in a daze. He just lost his daughter Dawn and now he's home, trying not to cry in front of his 4 year old son. 

"Daddy! I made you this picture." Daniel said running up to Tig. Tig looked down at the picture, it was of him, Gabby, and Daniel. Tig shrugged and looked back a the TV. 

"Do you like it daddy? I wanted to cheer you up so I made you a picture." Daniel kept trying and trying to get his fathers attention. Gabby noticed everything from the kitchen where she was cleaning up from breakfast. She knew that her old man was hurting so she didn't pay any mind to the fact that he was ignoring their son. 

"Daniel just leave me alone, please." Tig said after awhile. He didn't sound mean or pissed. He sounded heart broken and tired. Daniel nodded his head and walked into the kitchen. Gabby looked down at her son and saw tears threatening to spill. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Gabby asked. She bent down to his level and looked in his eyes. He had the same eyes as Tig and they showed the same emotion, heart broken. 

"Daddy doesn't love me." Daniel sniffled. Gabby shock her head and pulled the child into her. She held him close as he cried. Gabby and Tig made eye contact and her heart broke. He's eyes were red but he wasn't crying. 

"C'mon bub, you want to go watch a movie in mommy and daddy's room?" Gabby asked. Daniel nodded his head and grabbed his moms hand, leading Gabby into her own bedroom. Gabby grabbed the movie Cars and put that on for him to watch. She pulled back the big King sized blanket and let him snuggle into Tig's pillows. 

"Mommy, does daddy love us?" Daniel asked. Gabby looked at him, her heart shattering at the sound of his little voice. 

"Of course he loves us baby. What makes you say that?" Gabby asked. She sat down next to her son, running her fingers through is black curly hair, the same as Tig's. 

Daniel thought for a couple seconds before answering, "because he's sad. I don't want daddy sad mommy." Hearing this Gabby deciding it was time to talk to Tig. 

"Watch the movie bud. I'll come and watch it with you in a little." Leaving her son in bed, she walked out to the living room. She grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. Tig still stared at the black screen. 

Gabby signed, "I know you're hurting baby. I have no idea what you're feeling but having your son ask me if you still love him is the drawing point. Take sometime to yourself Alex if your going to mope around. But that little boy does not deserve to see his hero like this." 

"Pope might kill you and him and you're worried about Daniel seeing me sad." Tig stated. Gabby looked at him and for the first time ever did she see how he really feels. 

"If Pope kills us, do you want him to think that you don't love him? You lost your daughter, don't lose your son because of something that you're scared of happening." 

Gabby gets up of the couch and walks into her and Tig's shared bedroom. Daniel looks at her and slides over. "I made room for you mommy." Daniel said as Gabby climbed in. 

30 minutes passed and Gabby heard walking coming down from the hall. Both Gabby and Daniel looked up when Tig  entered the room. 

"Hey buddy." Tig said. He went on the other side of the bed and slid in. Daniel smiled and snuggled up next to his father. Gabby smiled at the two and mouthed an 'I love you' to Tig. Tig mouthed an exhausted 'Thank you'. 

All three of them feel asleep in each others arms. It took awhile for Tig to come back to normal. And it took awhile for Daniel to learn that Daddy will always love him.  

"I love you Daniel." Tig said when they woke up from the short  hour nap. 

"I love you too daddy." 

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