13. Your First Kiss

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You were the doctor that saved Abel's life. He was the outlaw that helped bring that perfect baby into the world. Jax seeing you with Abel, it made his heart beat against his chest like no other women ever made him feel. It was quick but made both Jax and yourself realize that you guys had a special connection.

He just got back from a run and he was angry that the two of you got into an argument before he left. You were still the same spot as he left. In your bed watching a tv show but the only difference was that you were asleep. He walked up to you and gave you a soft kiss on the mouth. To his surprise you kissed back.

The first time you meant was the first time for everything in you and Happy's relationship. It was the first time you talked, fucked, laughed, fought, and of course kiss. You were an escort for Nero and when Happy saw you he had to have a run with you. So when he got you he kissed you, demanding your mouth as his.

He was your first kiss and you were his. It was awkward and in a smelly Italian restaurant that sucked. After it was done, you both laughed it off and tried again later.

Tig hated kissing people. It was the worst part of the relationship for him but you were his favorite crow eater so when he first kissed you in front of the whole club it shocked everyone. At first you didn't kiss back, scared that if you did it would end. But when you kissed back he only got more aggressive.

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