81: Chibs Imagine

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FOR @chels_chels21  Sorry it's short. Hope you like it!!!!! 

"Lass do you think this is a good idea?" Chibs questioned as both him and Chels climbed off his bike. Chels looked at him and brought him in for a kiss. 

"Two things. I'm 25 years old and I can do what I want and two I'm fucking 25 years old. It's my house and no one should be here." Chels walked forward towards the front door. She put the key in and felt Chibs's presence behind her. 

Opening the door the pair walked into the living room. "You want a beer?" Chels questioned as she continued to walk into the kitchen.

Chibs sat down on the sofa and put his legs on the coffee table, study the little house. "Yeah get me one." 

"Get me one too." Hearing Jax voice made Chels drop the two beers and the glass shattered. 

"What the actual fuck Jackie Boy!" Chibs said getting off the couch and going into the kitchen. Jax looked pleased with both their reactions. 

Jax stepped over the broken glass and hopped on top of the island in the center of the kitchen. "So, how was your date?" Jax questioned. He grabbed an orange that was on the island and threw it up in the air, catching it each time. 

"It would be better if you weren't here Jackson!" Chels shouted as she cleaned up the glass. Jax chuckled and looked at Chibs, who was standing in the door way looking guilty. 

"Chibby, have anything to say?" Jax asked. This whole situation amusing him to no end. Chels was his little sister, but she was grown. She was old enough to make her own decisions and Jax respected that. All Jax wanted though, was the truth. 

"We were going to tell you but we decided not to. I care about her a whole lot Jax and I won't do anything to hurt her." Chibs answered truthfully. Chels looked up smiling ear to ear. She has never heard Chibs talk about her like that and was glad that she was there to witness it. 

"Alrighty then. I'll leave you guys to it." Jax hopped off the counter and put the orange back. He lead down and kissed his sister on the head before going out the side door. 

"What the fuck just happened?" Chels questioned. Chibs looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. 

"We're going to need more beer."  

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