45: Happy Imagine

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Happy never loved a women as much as he loved Kenz. She was beautiful and her personality fit perfectly with his. But he never got why she left. 

They were going out for about four months. Everything was going great. Happy was loyal to a woman for the first time in his life and Kenz was genuinely happy. But she left. It kept Happy up for many nights. Him playing every conversation they had together. Him imagining what she was doing with her life as he laid up at night, thinking about her. 

Happy was furious at first. He was pissed because Kenz taught him how to love. He was mad because he saw them together forever. He was upset because she made him feel normal and the man that his mother wanted him to be. 

Kenz was the only woman that pulled him out of his shell. And even after 4 years passed he still thought of her. He moved from Tacoma to Charming because everywhere he turned in Tacoma, he pictured her there. 

"Hey Hap, we're leaving for Diosa!" Jax yelled from the end of the hallway. Happy got up and got ready to go meet Nero. It was the first time that they were going to meet Nero, the guy that runs it, and Happy had a weird feeling in his stomach, a mix of excitement and nervousness. 

The ride to Diosa  was peaceful. It was only 30 minutes and when they pulled up, it seemed nice. Happy scanned the cars and spotted one with a car seat. 'Of course a hooker has a kid' Happy thought to himself. 

"Let's go." Jax said to everyone. The group of men walked in. As soon as Happy walked he was hit with the smell of expensive perfume that smelled like shit and cologne. Tig started drooling on the first woman that he saw and everyone else was looking around. 

"Nero Padilla. Welcome." The guy shock Jax's hand and started talking about something. Happy was still scanning the area when a woman comes up to Nero. 

"Nero, Kenny is one the phone." Nero grabbed the phone from the girl and started talking. 

"What mi amor?" Was all Happy could tell before he was dragged away from a prostitute to the bar. He ordered a beer and started drinking. He laughed at Tig who had two girls wrapped around his arms. Happy couldn't help but think of Kenz. 


"What can I do for ya darling?" Questioned a pretty girl. Happy thought she couldn't be more than 22. She was working in the dirtiest bar in Tacoma. He never saw her here before but he was glad she was here tonight. 

"Beer." Was all Happy said the the young woman in front of him. She smiled at him and grabbed him a beer and went to go help other people. Happy watched her all night. Moving fast and sexy to the rock music playing. 

Happy went there every night for two months. Him and the bar girl joked around. But they didn't know each others names. But one night that changed. 

"Hey, what's your name?" The bar woman asked Happy. He looked at her and gave her a short answer. 

"Happy Lowman." The girl smiled from ear to ear. 

"Your name is Happy? Wow, it should be grumpy." She said. 

"Watch it doll. What's yours?" 

"Kenz with a z." Kenz answered. Happy smirked. 

"That short for anything?" 

"Nope." Kenz answered popping the p. She kept smiling at Happy. Her smile made Happy smile and soon they were hanging out. Then they were dating. Then she left. 

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