77: Imagine + AN

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"You said I would have proper training!" You yelled at Gemma.

"You did." Gemma inhaled from the cigarette hanging out of her mouth. "I told you what it would be like working as a bar tender here."

"Yes you told me. But you didn't train me and you said that someone would properly train me." You started cleaning up the bar while Gemma just sat on the bar stool and watched you.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Gemma asked.

"No and stop changing the topic."

"Oh you were fine. No one asks for mixed drinks anyway. Only beers from my boys." Gemma answered. She exhaled smoke and you waved it away from your face.

"Still you said that I would have proper training."

"Y/N, stop fucking saying that. You were great."

"Tig said if I wasn't pretty he would of fired me. No actually he did fire me, he said that if I don't get him a beer in one second that I'm fired. He then proceeded to count back from 5 seconds and when I handed him the beer he said I was negative 10 seconds late. There is no such thing as negative 10 seconds Gemma! Can he even fire me? Piney called me a cunt because I was taking to long. Chibs started talking in Irish tongues or something. And Jax just hopped over the bar and got himself a beer." You shot back.

Gemma laughed a little and lit another cigarette. "They just were messing with you. And yeah, Tig can fire you." Gemma answered.

"Great, I just love when I drunk man can fire me whenever I take negative 10 seconds to get him a beer. You never told me how demanding these people would be." You continued to wipe down the counters as Gemma continued to chain smoke.

"I guess I should of gave you proper training, huh?" Gemma said with her usual smirk.

You glared at her but continued to work. "Very funny Gemma. I almost died laughing!"

"You need to get laid." Was all Gemma said answering. You watched as she left and you were alone in the clubhouse. You grabbed a bottle of the hardest Vodka and took a swig. If you were going to get fired by Tig every night, you'll need to be drunk.


Thank you so much for 13K reads!!! Please comment/PM requests for both preferences and Imagines. I was going to end this book by chapter 80 but thanks to my girl IzzieSabisch she gave me some ideas for it and talked me out of not ending it. Follow her and send her love! Please leave requests and if you don't have any I'll be forced to end it! Thank you so much for 13K reads again. Love you guys so much!

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