52: Your Kids First Day At School

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Jax gets up before everyone else in the house and starts making breakfast. He makes the kids their favorite breakfast and you a cup of coffee. You get the kids dressed for school and Jax packs the lunches.

He gets ready for work at the same time the kids get up. He makes coffee for him and tea for you. You get the kids ready and feed them breakfast as Chibs tells stories from when he was in school, making you and the kids laugh.

Happy watched the night before as you got everything ready. The night before you packed their lunches, their school bags, and picked out their outfits. So in the morning, Happy made a ton of eggs and bacon and let you sleep in until it was time for them to leave.

He made signs that read what grade they were going into. Everything the kids did he took pictures of. He made sure that they had everything they needed and checked at least 4 times. He was more excited that they were going to school then the kids.

It was like ever other morning for him. The kids didn't want to go to school and Tig didn't like school at all so he talked bad about it. You told the kids that they had to go but Tig being Tig said that school sucks. The kids crawled back into bed with their father for a couple more minutes and ended up being late for the first day.

They were running late. No one was prepared for the first day of school because how busy life has been for them. The kids got money to buy lunch and breakfast was a pop tart (not even the two in the package- only one). It was crazy and all school year, your kids were always late.

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