82: Jax Imagine

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"You know Y/N, you're to good for this world." You and Jax were laying on the floor of your apartment. You had a couch but for some unknown reason, you laid on the floor. And when you did, Jax laid down next to and looked at the ceiling, like there was a million stars. Jax didn't question your antics or your reasoning, partly because you didn't have one and he knew that you had no reasoning, but he didn't question it because he felt that laying on your dirty hardwood floor was the best thing to do. 

"Why is that?" You questioned back. You too were starring at the ceiling, pretending that you were seeing stars and other plants. You and Jax were a foot apart, maybe a foot and a half. Both laying on your backs looking up like the ceiling of your run down shitty apartment like the plaster had all the answers. But it didn't. The ceiling had no answers besides the answers that you thought up. Jax didn't mind though, you didn't mind either. 

"I don't know. You... Your just to good." Jax answered. 

You two continued to look up. You sneezed once and Jax said 'God Bless You'. Jax coughed and you said 'God Bless You'. 

That is why Jax thought you were to good for this world. You were odd and not the odd that hipsters think is odd. When ever someone coughed you said God Bless You and when ever a baby would cry, you asked the parents if they were doing a good job of raising that baby and if they need help raising the child. When you saw a bird, you would flap your arms and pretend that you were one of them. You had a book of spells from your great grandmothers great grandmother and you convinced yourself that the spells were real, when really it was just a gardening handbook with some plants that don't grow in California. It also didn't help that the book as writing in old English. You never brushed your hair but somehow it was soft and not matted. You didn't wear makeup because you thought it would age you ten years. You made your own soap because you thought the government had cameras in the soap bottles. You were odd and for some reason, it made you more attractive. 

But Jax couldn't explain that to you. How was he going to explain that you. Would he say,  Y/N, the love of my life, you are to good for this world because you're a freak? How was he supposed to put all his thoughts about you in a paragraph on paper? How was he supposed to say I love you to you but all you do is laugh and say love is an illusion? How could he explain that you're a freak of nature but he fucking loved it? He couldn't even explain you to his mother because, how was he going to form the right words to. So he didn't say anything. 

"Jax?" You questioned after three hours of silence. The two of you continued to look at the ceiling full of imaginary stars. You could tell Jax wasn't asleep by his breathing but he was going to fall asleep soon. 

"Yes?" Jax questioned back. Jax turned on his side and looked at you. You were still looking at the ceiling with your arms to your side and your feet crossed. 

"Do you see the aliens attacking Jupiter or is that just me?" You questioned. 

"Yeah babe, I do." Jax rolled back on his back and put it arms behind his head. He closed his eyes and focused on your breathing. How it would speed up and you would make a small chirping sound when it did. And when your breathing slowed down and you swallowed what ever was in your mouth. "Like I said Darling, you're just to fucking good for this world." 

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