53: Your Kids Last Day Of School

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Jax makes all the kids the same breakfast as the first day of school. It's a lot more laid back because Jax, you, and the kids did everything the night before so they could sleep in.

Chibs goes out and gets bagels for everyone and he got you a smoothie from one of Charmings fancy cafes.

He doesn't get up because he doesn't find it important. Your oldest kid doesn't even go to school so Happy just chills with them when they actually get up.

Takes as many pictures as he can. Makes even more signs then the first day of school and embarrasses his kids by giving them kisses in front of their friends and all their teachers gifts.

None of the kids wanted to go to school so they went to the beach. Tig has it engraved in their mind that school doesn't do shit for you so he convinced you to let them stay home and all you guys went to the beach.

You tried to get the kids out of bed but you couldn't. So Opie was the one that dragged everyone out of bed and told them to get ready. They were late for the last day of school.

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