84: How He Is Watching Kids

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Plays games with them and does what ever they want as long as its safe and legal.

Makes sure that the kids don't kill each other. Does a good job of making sure that the kids don't do anything stupid.

Lets the kids run wild but in a controlled manner.

It's like the kids are babysitting him. Wants to do fun things but the kids just want to watch movies. Gets upset when the kids call him short compared to the other guys.

Tries to get the oldest of the children to be in charge. Much rather get drunk then pay attention to little kids. Doesn't like kids under the age of 5.

He puts on a movie for them and makes snacks. He doesn't let them go outside because he doesn't want to be in the heat. Doesn't really watch them but when he hears yelling he'll break it up.

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