62: Chibs Imagine

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Your job sucks. You work at a clinic in Oakland and everyone is rude and disrespectful. But you loved helping people. Chibs always says that you can quit, now that his president and is running Diosa, he had money. But you said no. 

Saying no was the feminist side of you coming out. You didn't need a man taking care of you, not saying that it wouldn't be nice. But you didn't want to be taken care of you, you wanted to make your own money and not rely on Chibs for everything. 

You loved that man, sometimes more then yourself. But you couldn't just stay home all day and be domestic while he's out working. Plus you loved helping people. And the one nice person makes up for the twenty rude people. 

Coming home from a long day of work you were tired. Tired of getting treated like trash and tired of being on your feet all day. When you walked into the small ranch house that you own with Chibs, you got hit with the smell of Chinese food. 

"I got you your favorite, sesame chicken!" Chibs said excitedly. He already made you your plate and made you a Shirley Temple. You can't drink because of the baby but you loved your sprite with cherry's in it. 

"Awe babe, you didn't have to." You tried to convince him that he didn't have to but he knew that he did. You called him earlier, almost in tears, saying that a kid called you fat when you are just 7 months pregnant. 

"I wanted to so sit down and eat." Chibs demanded with a lazy smile on his face. You guys ate and talked about the baby. That's another reason why you don't want to stop working because every paycheck matters when you have a child. But Chibs is right that you don't have to work. 

After eating dinner you got in a hot shower while Chibs cleaned up. It was refreshing and you were in there until your fingers pruned. Getting out you put on a lace pair of black panties and a matching bra. You slide on your mint colored fuzzy robe and walked out into the living room. 

Chibs set up your favorite movie, The Breakfast Club, along with some candles and had Hersey Chocolate bars with Almonds on the coffee table. Walking into the living room you saw Chibs sitting in the candle light with a big blanket and the tv remotes in his hand. 

"I called you out of work for tomorrow. C'mon and sit." Chibs motioned you over. You were smiling ear to ear. You laid you back against his chest and he played the movie. He played with your hair as you watched. 

"I love this movie." You say as it ends. You guys let the credits play as your still laying your back against his chest and he's still playing with your hair. 

"I know, that's why I put it on girly." Chibs answered. You were both two tired to move so you didn't. Chibs knew that you needed this and you knew that that job wasn't good for you. 

"Is that offer still up for grabs?" You asked after ten minutes of silence. You thought about it and thought some more about it. You had your answer. 

"What offer lass?" Chibs questioned. 

"The one where I quit my job and become a stay at home mom because you can take care of us." You stated. Chibs stopped playing with you hair and slid his hands down to your belly. You moaned a little at his touch. 

"Of course it is. I want to take care of you and my child Y/N. I love you to much to let you keep working at the shit show." Chibs answered. Chibs untied your robe and opened it, reveling the black lace panties and bra.

You guys turn so that your on top of Chibs, you facing him straddling his lap. You lean down and take his mouth into yours. His hands roamed you body as you kissed. As the kiss increased, Chibs slid off the robe and tossed the blanket across the room. 

You pulled off his shirt and and moved your hands down his tattoo covered chest. He reached behind your back and unclasped your bra. You grabbed it and tossed it behind your head. 

"Why you do still have pants on?" You broke the kiss and tried to undo his belt. Chibs laughed and undid for you. "Thank you. Now can we get back to sexy time?" Saying this cause both you and him to break out in laughter. As the laughter died down you started kissing again. 

In one quick motion Chibs flipped you, you were on your back and he was on top of you. He started sucking and kissing on your neck. Every inch he would bite and you would moan. 

He cupped you beast and started massaging. He moved his mouth to the other one and started biting and sucking on your nipple. With his free hand he slid it down to you panties. 

"Why," breath "do you," breath "have these on?" Chibs questioned as he sucked. He moved to the other breasts and repeated the action. You raised your hips so that Chibs could take off your panties. You heard him kick off his boots and his jeans. 

Both of you nude, in the living room with the Breakfast Club credits playing, looked into each other eyes as he placed his head on your collarbone and thrusted into you. 

You moaned as he took his cock fully out and thrusted back into again. Each time harder and faster then the last. Moaning, your nails dug into his back and the heels of your feet pressed against his ass. 

"Harder! Please! Please!" You said as Chibs pounded into you. His head was on your collarbone as you called out in pleasure. You heard him grunt each time your walls tightened. "Chibs, I'm close!" You called out when you felt the organism coming. 

"Aye." Chibs answered in labor breathes. When he spoke your came undone and cummed. He thrusted into you a couple more time until you felt his seed fill you. 

Chibs got off you and laid down next to you. His breathing heavy, the same as yours. "I think that was the best sex we ever had lass." Chibs commented. 

"Thank god I don't have to go to work anymore." 

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