11. How He Proposes

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He takes you out by a lake and sets up a whole picnic. Abel is running around with your kids all together and life is just perfect. When he pulls out the engagement ring, you couldn't even wait to say yes because you knew that you loved this man with your whole heart.

He takes you out to where you had your first real date. You sit in the same place as the first time and order all the same things and when it's time for desert and you see it one top of the piece cake. When he asks you, your at a loss of words and all you could do is shake your head yes and kiss him.

After a real intimate night, the both of you were out of breathe looking up at the ceiling. At first you thought it was a joke but when he went into the nightstand and pulled out his mothers ring, you knew it was real.

It was your birthday party at the clubhouse and Juice knew it was the right time. You've been together since he was a prospect and after 5 years of just dating he knew that he wanted you to be Mrs. Ortiz. He asked you in front of the whole club. When you said yes everyone was cheering and hollering at the two of you.

You to have been together for years and you were sick of just being his old lady and not his wife. So when you asked him if he's ever going to marry you, he looked at you and left the house. You thought he was done with the conversation so you went back to doing what you were doing before bringing it up. When he came back from being out for not even 10 minutes he took out a ring pop and got on one knee. You cried happy tears as he asked you to marry him. It was such a Tig thing to do.

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