14. Your Cute Moments As A Couple

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Because of Jax, you became the queen of bikers. Bossing people around but with the sweetest voice and watching as your king (Jax) does the same thing is the cutest moment.

When you're both shit faced drunk and the funny drunk Irishman comes out of both you. It's the funniest thing to the guys and when they tell you guys what you did the night before it's always a surprise.

Your guys don't have cute moments because you guys are hot. A hot moment is when you guys show PDA and it's really hot.

When you pull pranks on each other. It always goes wrong and someone ends up getting salty but that doesn't matter because at the end of the day you and Juice are the cutest couple there is.

When you guys fight. Not like yelling but actually punching each other. Tig wants you to be able to fight off any one that tries to harm you but like always when you try to practice you and Tig always end up doing something entirely wrong.

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