56: When You Get Sick

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When you get sick, Jax takes all the household responsibility away from you. He takes care of the kids, the cooking, and a little of the cleaning. But as soon as you get better he lets you take all the responsibility again.

He makes you tea and cooks for you. You try to fight through it but when you can't he's there to help you get past it.

When your sick Happy's more gentle with you and gets you what ever you want. You ask him for a blanket he'll get it. You ask him to make you tea, he'll make it.

What ever you want or need, he'll get it for you. You want a blanket, he'll go to the store and get you 5. You want your feet rubbed, he'll get lotion and rub them. You want him to go get you soup at 3:37 in the morning, he'll go and take his Harley to the nearest store and get you soup.

He'll lay in bed with you and act sick too. When you say that he isn't sick and that you're the only one that is, he'll deny it and say that you want all the attention. But he does get you tissues and cleans up around the house when he feels up to it.

He'll take care of everything kid, house, and work related for you. When your sick you would't have to lift a finger or worry about the kids and stuff like that.

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