55: How He Annoys You

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It annoys you that he's always calling other females 'Darling' and 'Babe'. He knows that it annoys you but he does it anyway, especially when he's feeling petty.

Leaving empty bottles around. Water bottles, beer bottles, or whiskey bottles and just leaving them on the counter or the coffee table. It makes you guys look like alcoholics.

When he doesn't answer you. You'll ask him a question and he won't answer. He likes when you get mad so he does it on purpose.

How neat he is and if you leave on thing out of place he'll move it. It's nice because the house is always clean but it's annoying because you'll leave your car keys on the table and they would be moved.

He always wants a dog. Tig does a lot of other annoying things but him complaining about not having a dog is the most annoying. You want a dog too but Tig has to make sure that it's 'the one' before getting it.

Everything is put up high. Opie is 6'4 and if he puts back a spice or hangs something its extra high. Everything in your shared house is high and most of the things you can't reach.

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