Chapter 1 // Day 5

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My eyes opened slowly, looking towards the bed side table that made a home for some of my belongings; just like the compound made a home for me. I sat up as I furrowed my brows to get up and look at the clock in the hallway. 5:30 am, just the right time. Usually, everyone starts work at 7:00 am, so they get up at 6:30 to get ready for the day. I never really understood why I woke up so early, even before the worlds downfall.

I closed my bedrooms door and sighed, gathering a plain, short sleeved grey top along with blue skinny jeans then threw them on my bed; after doing it. I grabbed some socks and put them on, shortly after I had done putting on my clothes and some black combat boots, then doing my hair. I peered into the hallway to check the time, 5:45 am. I nod, walking back into the corner of my room. This is where I kept all the gardening tools I got a few days ago, after being assigned to gardening duties because of my fast reaction times; they said they could use someone with those skills to keep any produce from beung ruined by falling. There was still some time so I decided to grab one of my bracelets, I got before worlds downfall, and put it on then I walked out of my room and shut the door.

I looked both ways in the corridor to check if anyone was around, even though usually they weren't: but just in case I always did. I walked, fairly quietly, down the corridor towards a door leading to stairs. Luckily, I was assigned to a small room on the second floor; this was good because I'm not really that great with stairs, the whole paranoia about something happening while I use them just slows me down and scares me. I got to the ground floor and went to the cafeteria so I could do my shoe laces, when they quickly came undone. Shortly after I was taking myself out towards the picnic tables, which were near my garden area.

As I reached the picnic area, I looked around incase anyone was around and I sat down, realising no one was here, and took a deep breath in. I looked over the walls, that kept us safe, and towards the trees tall enough to see from where I sat. I propped my arms up on the table and twisted the string on my bracelet, as my head leant to one side a short amount. A good few minutes had passed since I arrived out here. The wind was picking up, ever so slightly, but just enough to hear without struggling. As felt my hair move with the light breeze, I closed my eyes while I took in the sounds around me. I looked through the glass of the entrance back inside to a clock, which read: 6:03, I've been out here longer than I thought.

Just as I was about to get up from my place, to check if any crops had fallen during the night I heard: "Well, Well... Well, Who's that sitting around early in the morning?" The voice was deep, and had a grinning tone to it but sent shivers down my spine. I kept silent in hope they would leave soon but; "I'm not going to ask again" I realised the voice wasn't going to leave and had quite a demanding feel to it now. I, cousiously, turned my head around while I looked downwards. My eyes landed on a pair of black boots, I recognised them but didn't know how. As my eyes trailed up, I went passed black skinny jeans and a white, fitting, top with a leather jacket on top. As I got to his neck, I realised he had a bat wrapped in barbwire. "Out of everyone who could've caught me," I thought. It was Lucille. I suddenly looked at his face and I was right, it was Negan. He had Lucille propped on his left shoulder as he stared me down as if I were some type of prey to him. "I-" I paused as I notcied his slow, but menacing steps towards me, "I- I always come... out this early..." as much as Negan did scare me, I wasn't letting go of what little pride I had left, so I decided to stop kneeling to him when he entered a room and stopped calling him 'sir'. I could be in serious trouble now, but after all I've thought about these few days after arriving here: I value my pride and I won't let myself be embarrassed by having to kneel to a man and call him sir. It's the end of the world, not a job shift with my boss around.

"Always?" His eyes squinted, as he stopped a few steps infront of me, I nodded. "Since you came to the compound?" I, hesitatingly, shook my head and replied with how I've been waking up early since before the apocalypse. He threw no other question at me and just stared, still squinting slightly. The air felt heavy and smelt of awkwardness, before he asked: "what your name again?" "Y/N... you... found me around 5 days ago, then assigned me to gardening duties" I said, almost as quiet as a whisper. "Gardening? Why?" He stared me up and down, noticing I had none of my equipment. "I was told b-because my fast reaction skills can come in handy to save any produce from being ruined from falling..." I straightened my back and tried to stop acting so nervous, looking straight back into his dark pools of eyes. He gave one nod, "okay, Y/N, I expect you working by 7" he then turned around, in one swift motion, and started walking away. "Okay!" I said loud enough for him to hear on his away back.

I gave a sigh of relief, and cupped the back of my neck with my right hand. 'That was... quite odd, I've never seen Negan out this early before.' I thought, 'but I have only been here for 5 days' I shrugged, looking through the glass again after Negan went and noticed it was 6:21 am.

My eyes widened slightly, I have 9 minutes before people start getting up. I need to go and get my equipment to avoid the rush of people. I quickly made a run for it, inside and, cousiously, up the stairs. Not caring if I made a lot of noise. I headed for my room and shoved the door open, rushing towards my equipment. I picked everything up, and left my room. I shut the door and looked at the clock; 6:25. 'Shit!' I repeated, in my thoughts, '5 minutes.' I run back outside but to the gardens instead and make my way to the start of my area. Beyond this point you can't see inside. I looked at the clock, and it read 6:29 am. I took in deep breaths while laughing slightly, 'I made it'

I waited there a couple of minutes as I caught my breath, 6:33, and then it hit me: 'Negan didn't realise it...' I wondered whether it was because he was busy questioning me or had to get to something and didn't have time to throw a whole other bunch of questions plus punishment at me. In the end, I decided to forget about it and go with that maybe it's because it's my first time and I'm new; and maybe that he gave all his newbies a first chance.

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