Chapter 10 // Dwights Help

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It's been a week and a half since I hurt myself and now I was finally healed enough to start working again, I was able to sit out for a bit when my bruises were aching. I was a little slow when bending over or streching my arms out though. Boy, did I miss Jase. He came around a few times to check up on me and keep me company, but otherwise he was working his ass off. Probably over working too. I felt guilty for leaving him for so long, and making him do my work too, so I decided to get him a little gift from the commissary. It was just a few breakfast bars. Not much but I though he'd want them, considering he sometimes works and misses eating because it takes too long. Negan was around, he helped me when I wanted to walk about and made sure I didn't "hurt myself even more." It was nice of him, but kind of confusing. I didn't see much of Dwight, he was usually out or on guard but we passed a few times quickly and said hello.

I was sitting on the side with my legs out, towards the end of the onions section, to give my hip a breather since it started to ache. I was leaning on a but of wood that was lying around incase any crop supporters broke or were too damaged. We had 30 minutes left and I sat out about 2 minutes ago, so I decided to get back and help. "No, don't worry Y/N," Jase smiled, "it's alright, I can finish off we only have a few more" I didn't bother aruging with him because he was right and he probably would've stopped me anyway; even if it meant tying me to the wood. I looked up and the sky while Jase was working, "do you ever miss it?" I asked him. "Before?" I nodded to his question, "Yeah, I miss everyone. I even miss-" Jase stopped talking for a second then looked up at someone walking towards us. "Jase?" I looked down at him, and then at whoever was walking this way. I couldn't make it out for a second but then I realised, "Dwight?" I smiled, he looked at me and smiled back.

"Hey Y/N, do you have a minute?" I nodded, "yeah, of course" I looked at Jase and told him I'd be right back. He gave me a strange kind of smile, I didn't really understand what it meant but that wasn't what was on my mind right now. As soon as I saw Dwight, everything came flooding back. Everything to do with Negan. Almost 2 weeks ago, we started talking again and it was a weird start too. I doubted Jase remembered anything I told him about him and Dwight and the whole Negan situation, considering he had told me when we first met that his memory was pretty bad, he remembered somethings from before, but not a lot. He hated that flaw in him, he was usually pretty optimistic unless his memory was mentioned. Then he seemed completely pessimistic.

Me and Dwight walked down to the picnic area, which once again was empty. We sat at a table in the middle so no one would walk by and hear us. "Sorry Y/N, I've been super busy lately. So we couldn't talk" He gave me a sorry smile, and I told him it was okay. Then he asked what's been going on, "Well, that whole Negan and My bracelet thing has been bugging me, um, he's also been helping me around quite a bit too... kind of strange but I've liked his company, I wasn't alone" "Oh yeah, what was that whole bracelet thing about anyway?" I shrugged, explaining how I still have hope that he has emotion in him and why I was staring at him after he gave it me back. "He also picks me up and kind of, guarded me while I couldn't work..." I paused and looked down at my hands, "he did seem worried, but I'm not sure. He was kind of puppy like... He might just be trying to get me back still" I sighed at what I had just said. I looked up at Dwight who was still silent. His facial expression was fairly shocked, his eyes were widened and had an eyebrow raised. I shook my hand infront of his face, "hello?" He shook his head a bit, "sorry, but no... it's just Negan has a rule he kind of just keeps between him and his wives but his men kind of just find out too. Probably since we live on the same floor" He paused. I slowly asked what it was and then he said, "No one touches him unless he touches you first and that... well it's not exactly a rule but it kind of is, he only touches his wives in that way" He took a breath, "and yet none of us have seen, or heard him, picking any one of his wives like that before" my eyebrows raised in disbelief and I asked him if he were lying, but he just shook his head. "Wh- Bu-..." I couldn't say anything, so many questions and thoughts whirrled around my head. I was finally able to speak, "But th-at doesn't make sense, I mean I told him that I didn't want to be his wife" He shrugged and then leant in a bit closer, almost whispered, "Here's something though, if ever I hear or see somehing suspicious about/ to do with Negan, I'll tell you. I'll keep an eye on him for you" He and I both smiled at eachother as he moved back. "Oh my god, really? Thank you Dwight" I got up and hugged up him. Just as we stopped hugging and I was going to ask when we can next talk I hear, "Y/N, shall we get something to eat?"

I turned around and saw Jase walking this way. I nodded and looked back at Dwight, "talk to you soon" we smiled and waved as I walked back with Jase. He asked what we were talking about the whole time but I replied with, "oh, ot wasn't much. Just catching up on everything and he asked how my recovery was" I smiled, it wasn't a lie but I didn't want to re-explain everything to Jase and it may just be a bit weird to talk to him about. He nodded. Over dinner I gave Jase the gift and thanked him for everything while I was off work and he hugged me saying, "Don't worry Y/N, I'm always here for you and I would do anything for you, too" he gave me one of his super sweet smiles.

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