Chapter 38 // Their Group

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"You want to come with me?" He raised an eyebrow, and I nodded. "I don't think I've ever come with you before, it'll be so cool!" I pleaded. "Besides that you've not come before, why?" I shrugged, "where did this even come from?" He asked. I shrugged again, "Maybe I can look after you too" I grinned. He huffed, "my arm is fine- but... okay, I guess"

Time Skip

We were in one vehicle together, while his saviours were in other ones. "Don't let anyone try to talk you into anything, you can just stay with Dwight-" "Dwight's here?!" He nodded. Just as I was about to get really happy, I remembered what I saw the other day. Fortunately, before I could cry about it, we got to the place. "This... is Alexandria," he told me as he parked up. The name rung a bell, but I ignored it and eagerly got out.

As we walked in, Negan called Dwight over and told him to stay with me. I understood why he was telling him to, but I'm not stupid. I shrugged it off and looked around as we approached the gates. Negan knocked, but using Lucille instead of his fist. They opened slowly by a man with long, brown hair. I raised an eyebrow, his hair stood out way too much.

Negan was infront of me and Dwight. It was kind of strange to be here, but it was interesting. "You look happy to be here," Dwight scoffed, awkwardly, trying to ignore our last meeting. "Not... happy, I guess, I've just never been here. I've almost always been at the Sanctuary..." I told him. As I looked at the people that lived here, they stared at me.

I gulped. The stares made me uncomfortable and I asked Dwight why they were. "Well, do you see another female here?" He asked. "Well... no but- wait is that why?" I looked at him in disbelief. He nodded. I looked back at a few of them. "You want to walk a bit further in?" Dwight asked. "Fuck yes!" I smiled.

As we did, the houses looked more or less the same, and I kept getting strange looks. At this point, I was starting to get annoyed with all the staring, but I wasn't going to let it ruin things. "Dwight-!" We both turned around to one of the saviours running towards us. "What?" He asked. "We need you to help move some boxes-" "Is there no one else?" The man shook his head. Dwight then sighed and nodded. He turned to me, "I'll be right back, don't move, okay?" I nodded and he ran, following the guy.

I shrugged and turned to infront of me. I looked at the house, then the one next to it, trying to find anything that was different about the two. When I saw a little boy in the window, holding a baby, looking at me. At first, I wondered whether it was his child, but he looked too young. I looked away for a second, at a bird noise, then back. He was gone. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

A while later, the door to the house opened and the boy came out, without the child. He looked around, then shut the door, he started walking towards me. I felt a bit panicked, what was he going to do. He was younger than me, but I've never been here before, who knows what he could do.

"You're new?" He asked, and I nodded slowly. "I'm Carl" "Y/N..." "You're not taking anything, how come?" "Um-..." I didn't know how to respond. "Sorry... but, Can I ask," he started, "Do you know Enid?" I stepped back I shock, but also disbelief. 'Was this their place?' I thought. "Yeah- I know Andrew too, oh and knew Zoe..." "You do- wait... knew Zoe?" He squinted, "Did you kill her?! Did he kill her?! What happened?!" He threw questions at me like it was nothing. I looked around, and stuttered, "No- She- I... um..."

"What's happening here?" Dwight came back, with an angry expression. The boy, or Carl, stopped talking. "Nothing..." he squinted then walked away, back into the house and I didn't see him again. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Dwight put his hand to my shoulder and I gave a sigh of relief. "Now? Yeah" I laughed awkwardly. "Jees, they need to put that kid on a fucking leash or some shit" he shook his head. The thought of a kid actually being on a leash made me a bit angry, but I knew he didn't mean it.

Time Skip

"I'll miss you Rick," Negan grinned, evilly, and with that we all left. We got into our vehicles and started heading back to the Sanctuary.

"So, how was it?" He asked me. I smiled, "strange... but it was pretty cool" "No one caused any shit?" "Some kid was being weird and asking too many questions, but it was fine otherwise" I nodded. "Carl?" He asked. I furrowed my brows and laughed, "yeah"

Some while later, there was a comfortable silence, but it was boring. "These drives are so long, I'm so bored" I complained. "Hey- you wanted to come," He laughed. I hummed, almost sadly. "But..." "But?" He looked over to me and smirked. I squinted, "What..?" "If you're bored, I could always... change that..." Realising what he meant, I raised my eyebrows in shock.

I huffed strangely, "Don't know what you mean..." "Do you want me to show you?" I felt my cheeks and ears heat up. I smirked, "Go on then" he stopped the vehicle. "Give me a minute and I'll be back," he winked and got out. After he came back, he opened my door and I got out too. The saviours went around and left without us. We went to the back of our vehicle. It was more or less empty, so we got in and shut the doors behind us.

There was a dim light coming through, from the windows up front, and Negan threw off his jacket. But before I realised, he held onto my waist and we moved back to the side of the vehicle. My back was up against it, and my hands were on his shoulders, as he moved in closer. His leg was between mine and whispered into my ear, "Maybe this ride will be better..." I felt my cheeks burn.

Negan moved his head back a bit then came in to kiss me. I moved my head up and closed my eyes, so it was more comfortable. Soon he pecked up along my jaw, to the very top. There, he bit gently and left his mark. While he kissed down my neck, he unbuttoned my shirt and threw it to the side. He kissed to my collarbone, and down to the top of my bra. I slowly slid down the side of the vehicle, after he took off my shorts and put it to the side with his trousers. I felt his hands go up my back, then ghost down the sides of my body to my waist. I moved my hands and they went through his soft spikes for hair. When he moved back to look at me, I moved forward to kiss him again. Eventually, our pants got taken off and lost in the darkness behind the seats.




A/N: tbh if you want full on Negan x Reader smut ignore this book and go to my other one, for some reason it's just not working for this book ? (As in me writing it is easier in the other one plus it starts way earlier and I update almost everyday so)

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