Chapter 19 // Pure Denial

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It's been a whole week, since Negan came to my room - it's crazy how time flies, even during an apocalypse. Honestly, I've thought long and hard about how I feel and I can say I don't like him. Not so confidently but I can say it. Whenever I thought of of happened between us, I always broke out into a smile, which is why I can't admit fully to hav- to not feeling anything like that towards him.

I was with Jase at the picnic tables, we finished early again since we only had to check the crops and water them too. We were sitting back and enjoying the beautiful view; well of what we could see, that wasn't walls and gates. A few moments later Dwight came by, joining us.

"Hey guys," he waved as he sat down beside Jase, so I could see both of them. We greeted him and he asked what we were doing. "Just chilling out," he nodded, before I added, "yeah, you look tired though, Dwight. How come?" He sighed, rubbing his cheek. "The new guy, Negan," immediately I started smiling and thinking about the last time me and him spoke properly. "Put me to, 'look after him' and play this stupid fucking song..." Dwight finished. When he saw me smiling he asked why. "O-oh, nothing" I giggled a bit, "what's his name?" Dwight shrugged, "Alex- Andy- Andrew- something like- oh..." Dwight said, running his hand through his hair, "Andrew is his name" Jase then put a hand on Dwight's shoulder saying, "hey, it's alright, just make sure you sleep tonight" They smiled at eachother. 'Why did they look like a couple?' I thought as I heard footsteps approaching me from behind.

When I turned around, I saw Negan. Directly behind me, my face heating up a little. He looked at Dwight and Jase, then down at me. He bent over, moving his head next to mine while moved my hair behind my ear. He whispered in my ear, "Why look at you, doll, you work so much with tomatoes that you're becoming one" He chuckled softly, then lightly bit my ear lobe; making my heart beat faster and my back straighten. I gasped, "mine" He whispered, while he held my chin for a while then stood back upright. My eyes widened slightly, as I looked up at him and he smirked, looking back down at me. Frozen. I was frozen in place, 'what just happened? Mine? What was all that about?'

He then announced to the other two, "Dwight, Jase, flirting can wait. Dwight, I want you to meet in the hall, so we can go quickly" Dwight, who was lost for words, just nodded. His and Jases faces slightly pink. When I looked back at Negan he winked, and mouthed, "don't miss me too much" then left. Going back indoors. A smile cracked open on my face, 'God damn it' I thought, thinking about my smile.

When I turned to look at Dwight and Jase, they were squinting their eyes at me with big smiles on their faces. "What?" I asked, laughing a bit. "Y/N likes Negan" they whispered, in a song like form. Where did they start acting like this? 'Oh right, that was the first time they saw anything happen between me and him...' I physically face palmed, "No, guys!" They shook their heads, disagreeing with me. "You really like him, that's why you freak out when he's around and smile. Or even smile when you think of him! Yeah, we've realised!" Jase said, chuckling with Dwight. My face heated up a bit, "N-No!" "Stuttering tomato lies!" They said together, still laughing. I sighed, as much as they seemed to be messing around, they seemed serious about it too. They weren't wrong though, I did 'freak out' and smile when he's around. I also smile at the thought of him too, but not because I like him. Because he's a generally silly guy, I guess.

I sighed again, "I dont like him in that way guys" I said, noticing they were staring at me while wiggling their eyebrows. "Then why does he make you so happy?" Jase asked, "Hes-" "why do you always think about him?" Dwight interrupted. "I don-" "why are you sad when he's not with you?" When Jase said this I went quiet. "I'm... not..." they both stopped messing around for a while and got serious. "We're not trying to mess with you, Y/N, you seriously do like him and we don't understand how you can't see that" Dwight said, propping his arms on the table, making his shoulders hug his neck. Jase nodded, agreeing with Dwight. "It also seems as if he knows too, but then again, he's hard to read anyway" Jase added, obviously talking about Negan. I shook my head, "you're wrong" I got up and started walking away, then Jase shouted, "you're in denial, Y/N!" But I wasn't.

I went straight to my room and threw myself on my bed, after shutting it behind me. I sighed, 'they don't know what they're talking about, I don't like Negan. I don't! He's just... really nicely playful? He has really nice eyes too, though...' I faced palmed, 'now I understand why they think I like him' I laughed a bit.

As I did, I remembered earlier when Negan bit my ear lobe. 'What the fuck was that?' I touched the ear, then realising I was smiling pretty badly, since my cheeks were starting to ache. 'Oh...'


A/N: I don't usually like these but oh well. You know when Negan says 'mine' and bites Y/N's ear lobe, was it just me who joked to themselves that Negan was claiming Y/N's ear? XD

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