Chapter 31 // Heart Pounding

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I opened my eyes slowly, and squinted as I looked up at a ceiling. I couldn't remember anything that happened after Negan's room. I held my head with one hand and slowly pushed back my hair, as I went to do the same with the other hand I noticed a figure. I quickly looked im the corner of my eye and turned my head slowly after. It was just Negan. 'Negan?!' I thought, as I tried to sit upright. He was sleeping on a chair next to me, half leaning on the bed. I stopped midway, of trying to sit up. This wasn't my room. I was still in his, why was I still in his room?

When I did manage to sit up, Negan's body fell forward and he woke up. "Fuck!" He said, as jerked up in his seat. I jumped, "Are you okay?!" I put my hand near his shoulder, but then I remembered everything from last night and pulled it back. He nodded.

The room fell silent and I sat staring at his bed for a while as he rubbed his hands together awkwardly. "How are you feeling?" I looked at him secretly from the corner of my eye and nodded. "I'm... alright" he just nodded back. "About-" "Last night-" we spoke at the same time and quickly stopped and fell silent again.

I couldn't build the courage to finish the sentence, but I had more. I had questions, and needed answers. I took a deep breath and just went for it. "What exactly happened... last night, Negan?" I asked as I squeezed my own arm. He asked if I didn't remember and I explained the last thing I remember is him asking me to be his wife again. "Well, you fainted" I clentched my jaw, "so I decided to keep you here- so i knew if you were okay... um- I- yeah" he chuckled slightly.

I felt my cheeks heat up, "th-thanks- but- why did you ask me?" I turned my head to look at him. "Why?" I nodded as he looked at me and I quickly turned away again. I heard him take a deep breath. 

Negan's POV

"Because... you managed to make me fuck- fucking fall for you, Y/N" I admitted. I felt my heart race in such a way I had never felt before. Not even for Lucille, back in those days. I kept clenching my jaw as she didn't reply for a while. 'Does she hate me now? Shit! What have I-' "Really?" She asked, a genuine smile crept over my face and I couldn't stop it. I nodded slowly, "yeah..." she asked if I was messing with her, "wh- of course not"

I felt suffocated, she hasn't said anything. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, she answered. "I like you Negan" I felt all the life in me get drained. My heart and lungs couldn't believe it. I was in so much shock, my cheeks burnt and I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. "Really? So, is that a yes?" I watched her lower her head a bit more and she smiled, "maybe..." I gulped and looked to the side. "Mayb-"

Suddenly, my eyes widened at the sudden move she made. She kissed me first? Does this mean yes? This is yes!? She pulled back before I could kiss her back and it felt as if I was boiling. I looked at her and we smiled at eachother. She nodded, confirming it was a yes.


He looked like a literal tomato, but it was cute. He then got out of his seat and hugged me, so much it made me fall back. "I'll get rid of those women as soon as we finish laying here," he whispered in my ear. My cheeks warmed up and I smiled, hugging him back.

Time Skip

Negan helped me up from the bed then put his chair back. "You good to stand?" He asked and I nodded. I pushed the right side of my hair behind my hair and sorted out my clothes. I walked over to him as he stood by the door and we walked out together. As we were walking down the corrior, he stopped me and knocked on the door; almost as a way to announce his presence. He opened the door and walked in, leaving me on the side to listen.

"Okay, ladies, you can go" He told them. "What?" One of them asked. "You can go, you are no longer my wives. I have no interest in either of you anymore, so you can all leave and start the work process and go back to your ex's" He aimed the last part to someone, which I'm guessing was Sherry. "I want you all out by tonight. You will be given rooms" and with that he walked out, shutting the door behind him. As we left we heard loud scoffs and Negan chuckled. "That only makes their work worse but hey, I didn't scoff" He smirked.

He walked me down to my room, and came in with me. "You know, Y/N, you can come up with me to my floor" He said. "I kind of like my small room for now, maybe in a week or so I can join you?" I smiled and he nodded.

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