Chapter 21 // Cells

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It was dark out. Everyone was in bed, and last we checked the mud marks were still on the ground. Just like Andrew said he'd do.

I pulled up my jeans and put on some shoes. I was putting away a little pocket knife; that Negan gave me earlier. I was going over what happened earlier today when I was with him, '2 weeks'. I was pulled back into the real world when I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door to Jase, smiling, I let him in and closed the door behind him. We checked a few things and made an excuse incase we were caught.

"Ready?" I nodded at his question, "good" I locked my hands and stretched them out. The crack noise made Jase cringe, but laugh, "come on" I said, as I opened the door. He nodded once and walked out, I followed after him as I shut the door behind us both.

When we got down the stairs and to the bottom floor, we looked around to look for the mud marks again. "Y/N!" Jase whispered. I looked over to him and he gestured to go over there, when I did, he whispered, "found them" he pointed and looked down, as did I. Mud marks.

Me and Jase looked at eachother, with furrowed brows, and nodded. We started following them, quietly. Keeping against the nearest wall, incase someone were to come by.

Jase's POV

Me and Y/N were walking against the wall, when we heard it. Something we didn't want to. Footsteps. I slowly pushed her back against the wall as I did, I looked passed the wall pillars that were on either side of us. It was pretty dark but we saw someone walk by, from the place we were going. I couldn't make out who but it looked like Dwight. I gulped at the thought of him finding us here and being angry or disappointed.


As soon as the figure was out of sight, I moved Jase's hand from my arm and moved infront of him. This was taking longer than it needed. About 5 minutes later, of walking slowly and carefully, we reached a small hallway. It had multiple doors, and they all looked like cell doors, from what I could see at least.

My eyes widened, and mouth opened slightly. I looked at the door handles, all had locks on them. The doors were quite close together too, which means the rooms weren't even big. Box rooms? They're people, not harmful creatures, though. I sighed, "no wonder Andrew was so angry" I whispered to Jase as he came over to see me staring at the lock of one door. He nodded, "look at this" towards the end of the hallway was a record player and one record, that sat in a vinyl box set. We walked over to it and looked at the the equipment.

We heard footsteps again, we rushed to the side again and stood there silently. The same figure came back and started putting the record on the player. I remember how my parents used to listen to this, before they died that is. I started mouthing the words to the song, 'Easy Street', I haven't heard it since. I heard a faint groan from one of the doors, then the figure said, "this is what happens when you act out of order" his voice sounded angered. It was Dwight,  no way I couldn't recognise that voice.

Jase's POV

'It was Dwight?' Me and Y/N watched the figure as it left again. When it did I spoke, "let's go" she nodded and started heading out, the same way we came in. While we were turning the corner, I felt two hands grab onto my shoulders. "Jase?" 'Dwight?' Y/N stayed silent. I could only just make out his face, since it was so dark, he seemed upset. "Are you-" "go quickly, before someone sees you two here" he interrupted, looking down. Y/N thanked him and grabbed my arm, dragging me passed him and away. I looked back at Dwight, he stood facing the other way, his back to me. 'He looked so upset with us being there' I frowned, 'I hope I didn't ruin anything'

Time Skip

I went to Y/N's room with her, she sat on her bed and sighed. "Oh god, thank goodness it was just Dwight" I nodded, "yeah" mid-word, I yawned. Y/N laughed, "you should probably go sleep, Jase" I nodded again and told her we can talk about tonight tomorrow. I opened her door, "bye" I smiled, and left for my room.


"Whoa..." I whispered to myself. 

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