Chapter 41 // In Memory

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After grabbing a shovel, I took her body outside with me. "Open the gate," I ordered, holding her tightly, bridal style. The sound of running behind me could be heard as I waited for the gate. I turned to three. Jase, Rosanne and Enid. They're faces in desperate shock to know what happened, one slightly differently.

"Negan!" Jase yelled, "Why did you do it?! Why did you kill Dwight?" Flames rose inside of me like they came from grounds of hell. I just lost Y/N and now I had this fucker yelling at me about Dwight? The cheek.

"If you're not careful, I'll do the same to you!" My eyes widened to the limit. "He's the reason Y/N is dead!" He softened his stance and stared at me with disbelief written on his face. "No-!" "Yes-!" "He's the only reason she could have died, besides the walkers... Jase. She just properly found out Dwight was cheating on you with Andrew-" Enid explained to him. "Yeah, why else do you think Dwight and Andrew were suddenly nice to eachother?" Rosanne added.

He clenched his jaw, tears leaving his eyes uncontrollably. "Lies..." "They're not lying. I saw him kill her, we were on the stairs and he-... and he did it" I paused, "I just watched her die god damn it!" I held her up to my body as much as I could and stomped my foot on the ground. He looked to Y/N, "Where were you going with her?" "I'm burying her outside..." I told him, and the other two.

Enid cried silently, holding onto Rosanne's arm. "Can we come with-?" "Yeah..." I turned around bluntly, and walked through the gates. I could hear their weak steps behind me. We got to a place, a really nice one. It looked as if the apocalypse hadn't even touched this area. This is where she was going to lay.

I softly put her down, and dug the hole myself. They offered to help, but this was my job. When the grave- when the hole was dug, I picked up Y/N and put her inside, slowly. There was no rush. While none of them were looking, I put something in her pocket. I had found it on a run to the Hilltop.

While we were coming back, there were a few walkers in the way so my men got out and killed them. As I looked around at them, there were rings on two of them. Matching, a man and woman. I took them, and just wanted to give one to her. Like a nice surprise. Sure, she may not know about it. But, at least it's with her.

I pulled myself out, and looked at her closed eyes while I buried her in soil - thinking to myself.

'Y/N. Thanks for coming into my life. You made this cold hard man into something new. You showed me something I had never felt before, with any woman. You were different, but more than enough. You're always going to be in my memories, every day and every night. And now I'm ending this cheesy fucking thought... I love you'

A/N: Thanks for reading so so so much but again sorry for the sudden end but I didn't like keeping you all waiting so yeah <3 

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