Chapter 35 // Injuries; And Sex?

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I was in our room, looking at wall thinking about how happy Jase and Dwight were earlier; 'they're probably fucking' I thought, smiling, to myself. It then started to get dim and colder outside and I wondered when they'd be back. It usually wouldn't take them this long so I ended up getting myself all worried.

Time Skip

It was around 4:49 pm so I decided to head downstairs to wait for him there. People were still around, just not many. But then, about 15 minutes later they all started to walk in. I gave a sigh of relief as I sat at the cafe tables, I sat there until I saw him; which wasn't for a while. Then he came in, I felt so elated- until I saw his left arm. It was badly wrapped in cloth and looked like something sharp had grazed his arm; about the size of my own hand. I felt my hearts last beat, before it skipped one.

Without hesitation, I ran over to him as Simon was walking with him. "Negan?!" I yelled, almost near the two. "Oh..." I heard Simon whisper, ignoring it, they turned around and he smiled. "Hey, How ar-" "Don't 'how are you' me! What- what is this- what happened?" "It's small don't worry-" "Well I am!" He sighed, as I waited extremely impatiently for him to answer me. "Simon, you can go- Y/N, I'll explain on the way to the doctors room" I clenched my jaw and followed, as Simon nodded and left.

We walked there together, but he didn't speak a word. "Negan?" "Hold on..." As soon as we entered the area, he started. "Well, you know we were on one of our runs, right?" I hummed, "Well, a few moments when we were at the place... one of the little fuckers tried to, well, kill me" I imagined a random place, then someone trying to kill him. And I hated it, every part of it. "Then, I killed him and left the place to worry about the mess-" "Good" He stopped, just before we got inside and stared at me. "'Good'?" I nodded, clenching my jaw, over and over. He smirked a bit, "You're angry-" "Negan!" I yelled, not wanting him to try me. I hated the thought someone tried to kill him, but the fact he can smile at a serious time made it worse.

I pointed into the room and he mouthed sorry, while making his right hand jazz hand. I side frowned for a second and walked in after him. He tells the doctor to fix him up, as he put Lucille against the wall, and while he is: me and him talk some more. "So, did you take so long because of it or was it something else?" "A few walkers in the road, we had to take them out to get passed" I nodded.

As soon as the doctor finishes, we leave and I take Lucille. "I'll hold her for you" "Alright..." We walked up to our room and I put Lucille down. Just as he was about to take a seat at his desk, I stopped him, "No, you're not..." "I need to do some s-"I grabbed his right hand and pulled him over to the bed, "You want me to work with you-" "No sex" "Then?" "Lie down, rest, you're hurt and it isn't something small either" He groaned, and sat down on it. "I'll lie down later," I nodded, "So, how about that Jase thing?" I smiled a bit.

Time Skip

"Then Dwight got pretty shy" I finished, Negan smirked. "Didn't think he'd shy up, after all that too" He looked down at me as he adjusted his legs on the bed.

A while later, speaking about how different it was going to be now that they were a thing. I remembered something I was thinking about just before Negan and his team got back. "Oh, hey-" "Yeah?" "I'll be back, I need to ask someone a question" He nodded and I got up from the end of the bed. As I was pulling my top down, he sat up and kicked my ass. I turned around and had a face that looked like I was just attacked by a weird creature. "Wha- Why?!" He winked strangely and smirked. I raised an eyebrow and slowly walked to the door. Just as I was about to leave, I whispered loud enough for him to hear. "I swear you're horny all of a sudden..." "how did you know?" Both of my eyebrows raised and I left the room, shutting the door behind me.

I walked down to Enid's room, but just before I knocked on the door I heard an odd sound. I put my ear to the door and listened. 'Holy shit! She is totally fucking right now!' I thought, 'Oh my god, she's fucking Rose! This timing, what the fuck! I think everyones fucking, holy crap!' I wheezed; bad move. Everything fell silent and then after some ruffling around, the door swung open.

Me and Rose stared at eachother, her eyes were slightly widened. As a wide grin slowly appeared on my face, "Why where you listening to us fucking?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion, but also at the fact she found it a bit creepy. "You're straight forward," I said, shocked. "Um- Who- Wait Y/N?!" I heard Enid in the background. I looked around inside and she was straighting out her top. "You guys enjoy yourself" I winked,before either of them could say anything else, as both of their faces were flushed and I went back upstairs.

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