Chapter 29 // Bad Timing

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Yesterday, I found out about Dwight and Jase's situation. It was also the same day that I decided to push them towards eachother a bit more, even if I had to sacrifice some things; it would be worth it, so they could both be happy with eachother.

"So, you and," I coughed, hinting that I meant Dwight, "what are you going to do about it?" Jase shrugged, as we both sat side by side; checking the crops. "Nothing, probably" I stopped, and raised at eyebrow at him, "seriously?" He nodded, not bothering to look at me, "He isn't into me, the way I am for him and I kind of- well, you know, don't want my heartbroken from him saying it to me" He sighed, "sorry, I know it's not what you wanted to hear-" "No, don't worry about it" Jase looked at me, with an eyebrow raised, and I smiled, assuringly. 'If only he knew...' I thought to myself as we started finishing up.

When we did, instead of going to eat, I said, "Hey, Jase, I've got to go and do something so is it-" "It's okay, If I eat by myself, yes" he laughed. I hugged him for a second, thanking him and I headed towards the stairs as he left for the Cafeteria.

I walked around a corner- "ah! Sorry," I said lightly, with my eyes closed, as I bumped into someone. "Y/N?" I knew that voice. It was that voice. My eyes shot open and I looked up at the man, "Negan?" His eyebrow was raised as he had one hand on his chest; from where I hit into him. I quickly rushed back a few steps so there was space between us. There was silence for a few seconds, which was probably bad since I got a bomb of flashbacks to all those times I thought strangely about him. My cheeks felt warm. "Why in such a hurry?" He asked. "Oh, just... need to put some tools away" I laughed awkwardly, but then it hit me. All this time and my mission was to see if Negan had real feelings, but now look at me. I'm messing myself up, even if I'm just thinking about him. He nodded, "Where are they, then?" He looked to the side, as if he was avoiding making eye contact with me. I reached for my back pocket and pulled out two tools, "H-Here, I didn't need them all" him acting like this, made me feel awkward. He looked at the tools and nodded. We stood there for a while, but as I moved to put my tools in my pocket again, he spoke.

"So, Y/N?" I looked up at him, then slowly made my gaze leave him for the wall. "You think tomorrow- Will you- are you free tomorrow, at 9?" He messsed up. I looked at him, and he looked at me, he was clenching his jaw. Negan messed up his sentence? It made my heart stop, but I nodded, "Yeah-" "Can you come to my room, then? Tomorrow, at that time?" He sounded more like the average person, and not a psycho leader. I nodded, smiling; trying warm up the situation, instead of it being so awkward and heavy. He actually smiled back, "Good, well, I've got to go... Catch you later, doll" he changed his smile for a smirk and left as I said bye.

I watched him go for a while then I shook my head, sighing. I made my way up the stairs to Enid room, since I heard she had a day off; even though she only started recently. I had no idea whether Rose was given her job yet, but I was sure that Enid would know. I reached her door and paused before opening it, 'I should scare the living shit out of her,' As I thought this a grin over came my face, and I slowly turned the door handle. I clenched my jaw, to help with trying not to make any noise. I pushed the door open and screamed, "RAA-aa... oh my god..." I paused at what was right in front of my eyes.

It seemed like Rosanne and Enid were getting close. Enids eyes shot at me, wide open as her face blushed in embarrassment. The two held position before Rose moved, trying to cover up what just happened, "Haha... yeah, nothing in your eye" I saw her gulp as she slowly turned to me, "Hey... Y/N" My jaw was still on the ground, no words escaped. This was seriously bad timing. "Are... Enid... you and- what?" My mind struggled to process anything that just happened. "I thought- Zoe?!"

Enid stood up and looked down, "Let me explain, sit down" She pulled a chair out for me, so I was sitting infront of the bed before the two and shut the door. "We... before this, me and Rose both lost our girlfriends and recently, well, we've spoken loads and we decided to just maybe... try this out?" I rubbed the back of my neck at the news. "Oh..." they nodded, "I see, what you mean..." "Thanks for-" "you guys are secretly dating and don't want me to say anything, right?" I winked, "Ros...nid! Rosnid? Rosnid!" "What?!" They both said at the same time. "No, you have it-" Rose started. Enid sighed, "It's fine, Rose, let's just leave it. I'm sure she won't tell anyone, anyway" I smiled, saying I wouldn't.

"Wait, so why did you come here- not to be rude or anything" Rosanne asked. Then I realised, I was here to talk about Dase; but that lead me on to something else. 'All my friends were getting together with who they're into, am I just going to third-wheel forever? I don't even have a crush though, and no one's going to exaclty... like me-' "huh?" I was dragged out of my thoughts from Rose waving in front of my face and yelling my name. "Y/N?" Enid asked. "Yeah? Oh- right, I came here to talk about something... but- uh- I'll chat with you some time later maybe" I laughed awkwardly. They nodded.

Some time later, I left Enid's room and headed for my own. I couldn't stop thinking about it; I didn't want, what could be my last days, spent alone. I wanted someone that I could care for, and that could care for me: the way that Enid did for Rosanne, or Jase did for Dwight. But, I didn't just want anyone...

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