Chapter 6 // The Night Before And The Fourth Day

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It's been 3 days since Dwight told me he had something to tell me about Negan, and it was all I could think about. It was destorying me, what was so important that he had to tell me as soon as he could?

I looked up into the darkness that was my room, then turned onto my left side. I couldn't get sleep. All I wanted to know was what Dwight was going to tell me. I sat up and decided to go outside to put my mind at ease. I put on my flats and made my way, quietly, down to the picnic tables.

As I got outside I noticed a black figure that had it's back to me while sitting on a table nearest the gates 'Jase?' I smiled to myself, walking over to him. As soon as I was behind him, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. His shoulders were more broad than usual but I guess that's because I've never hugged him from behind before, "Heyy" I whispered. He laughed, deeper than usual but I guess that's just him when he's tired. I put my knees on either side of him, so I wasn't standing, and lent my head on him. Suddenly I smelt something I hadn't smelt since before the apocalypse, alcohol? "Jase, I though you said you didn't dri-" I stopped towards the end of my sentence as I looked up and realised, this wasn't Jase. Jase didn't have a beard, and he sure as hell didn't drink alcohol. I moved my head back, to let the light of the moon pass so I could see his face. 'Negan!' I quickly moved away and stood up, "I'm sorry, I-" he grunted and looked up at me. A drunken Negan then stood up, almost falling a few times and started moving towards me. "N-Negan?" I took a step back with every wobbling step he took forward. Before I knew it my back was against the walls of the gates and Negan was getting closer, "Negan... What are you doing" scared for what he was going to do, I held my hands out to try and stop him from getting closer than arms length. It didn't work. Negan pushed my arms back, rather violently, and put his on both sides of me. "Negan? What are you-" I stopped when I realised his face was getting closer to mine. He was trying to kiss me. Before I could think I had already slapped Negan and started running back to my room.

I got into my room, shut the door and was panting like mad. My stomach felt funny, and my mind was racing. 'What just happened?' I thought, after getting my mind together. 'A drunk Negan? Tried to kiss me?' I threw off my flats and put a hand to the side of my head and decided to lie down.

The next day

I woke up pretty tried after the event that happened last night with Negan. I still didn't understand it either, but I didn't let it stop me from getting ready. I quickly got ready and luckily Jase came a little earlier today so we headed down to the picnic area with our tools. After just over 45 minutes we headed to the gardens and started our work. Everything was pretty normal, except that I was a tad bit slower as I kept thinking about Negan. Then I realised, today was the fourth day. The day Dwight was going to tell me something about Negan. I mentally face palmed but the time came.

After our shift ended me and Jase decided to go to eat straight away, after putting away our tools. We got to the cafeteria where Alice prepared our meals and we went to sit and eat. A while later Dwight showed up, and waved when he spotted us. "Hi Dwight" Jase smiled, thankfully we both just finished. I knew Dwight was here to tell me about Negan so I asked Jase if he could put my bowl away and then he could just go to his room because I wanted to show Dwight that the carrots he helped with were almost done. Jase bought it, and agreed, as me and Dwight then made our way to the carrot section.

"What was it?" I asked, Dwight looked at me then sighed while looking at the ground. "Negan said he wants to ask you to be his new wife" my eyes widen, and jaw slightly drops. "What?" Dwight nods and explains how he was going to a few days ago but since you asked why he was there he had to change plans. I looked at Dwight in shock and disbelief and then blinked to look at the ground. "But last night..." "What happened last night?" Dwight furrowed his brows in confusion, then I explained everything that happened. "Seems although last night he might have thought he already asked you... because he has a big thing about rape and someone forcing themselves onto someone else..." I nodded, believing Dwight and I told him I needed to go and think this through. Two shocks and it hasn't even been a full 24 hours yet.

When I got into my room it was 5:56pm. I sat against the wall on my bed, 'I wonder how Negan would ask me' 'I wonder when he'll ask me' 'how will I respond?' 'what if he's joking?' Questions zoomed in and out of my head. When there was a knock at my door. 'Negan.' I went to the door slowly, and opened it hesitantly. I was right.

"Hi Y/N" He said as I let him in and shut the door behind him. "What's up?" I built the confidence to say. The room fell silent, with no reply. He just stood there looking around before, finally, saying, "doll, I need to ask you a question" I felt my heart beat increase, "wh-... what?" I felt my whole body tense. "Would... you want to be one of my wives?" My eyes widened, my cheeks started to heat up. "No..."

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