Chapter 11 // Swear

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Yesterday was my first day back at work. Towards the end of my shift, Dwight came over and we went down to the picnic tables and spoke about Negan. He said that he'd never picked anyone up like he did to me. He then promised that he'd keep an eye out for Negan for me, bless Dwight.

Considering yesterday was my firsf day back, and now I have the day off again was pretty annoying. Negan and Jason both said I should take it in turns, one day I should work and the other I shouldn't. It also turned out that me and Zoe had the day off together, I guess that was good since we didn't really get to talk all that well since she arrived; and since that incident. I guess she must've heard it from Jase considering she knocked on my door as I finished changing about 30 minutes ago. "Come in," I yelled, guessing it was just Jase. I was lying on my bed with my legs up against the wall. I turned to the door as I realised, who I thought was Jase, was just standing and staring. "Dude, what are yo-" I paused, "Oh, Zoe, Sorry I thought you were Jase" I turned to my side then sat up on my bed, slightly embarrassed. I told Zoe to come in and when she did, after she shit the door behind her, she decided to sit on one of the two chairs I had in my room; instead of with me on my bed. I shrugged it off since it wasn't really a big deal. "What can I help you with Zoe?" I asked, as she sat down. She replied with, "Oh, well Jase told me you had the day off today too. So I decided to join you" I nodded and asked, "did you hurt yourself too?" She shook her head and explained that since she was doing more hours than the rest of the people in the compound she got to take one day off every week. I then asked what she wanted to do.

"See Enid again" She looked down. When I asked I meant around the compound but I guess this was my chance of getting to know her. "Your girlfriend?" She nodded, "Ever since I've been here I've hated that son of a bitch, Negan" She squinted her eyes in disgust but frowned, "amd more each day too" I sat quietly listening to watch she had to say, nodding every so often. "He killed two of our men, has one captured here somewhere, is harming my people and took my from my girlfriend" Hse clenched her jaw in anger, "If it wasn't for me wanted to be with Enid, I would've tried to kill him by now..." My eyebrows raised ever so slightly, not enough for her to realise. "He's only trying to build his own place, with his own people though" "And how? Terrorising others for his own selfish fucking needs?" She kept calm but had an angered tone in her voice. "But at least he only killed two, and not any more... you guys killed more than two, they were someone's partners, siblings, friends and maybe even parents" Her facial expression relaxed, but looked more sad, "but we didn't capture his people and then make them work for us"

It'd been a while and she was babbling on about Negan, Enid and her feelings but I couldn't shake off the slight feelings I had about wanting her away from Negan. Especially since he had already asked her to be his wife, I heard he never asks twice but I also heard he didn't pick his wives up too. I couldn't get it off my mind that I wanted her to go back to Alexandria, or wherever, so she wasn't a threat to my mission of finding out if Negan really does have emotions. It felt like it was more than that though, but I didn't know what...

"I swear..." Zoe started, knocking me out of thought, "I swear one of thse days, me and Enid will be back together and Negan will be defeated" her confidence in what she just said seemed to hit something in my chest. It was an uncomfortable and uneasy feeling, but I hid it the best I could and said, "Well, I hope you guys reunite soon" I gave her reassuring smile, and she smiled back.

We kind of just sat here for a few hours and were talking about things before Negan and before the apocalypse. Turns out Zoe was planning on just being a teacher assistant since she didn't have to deal with that many people, but the world had it different considering it went to doom before she even got to have an interview. She said she felt lucky since she was practically terrified of them. Before Negan, she explained how her and Enid would stay with some woman called Maggie, who was Enid's adoptive mother not too long ago before her father-in-law, called Ren? No, it was Glenn, was brutally murdered by Negan the night before she arrived. She explained how bad she felt for leaving Enid and her mother-in-law since she was pregnant with her father-in-laws child. It made me think about what she was saying earlier about Negan, and I guess I kind of understood why she hated him so much now. Even after that, I couldn't, I guess it's just not the same when you haven't seen someone so close to you die in such a way.

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