Chapter 18 // Mr. Tried

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Yesterday is the day I realised what was actually happening. Turns out Jase managed to hurt his ankle so he has today and tomorrow off, which is why he wasn't around towards the end of yesterday. Zoe is probably resting in her room, Negan and his men didn't come back yet. I had no one with me today, I couldn't go and talk to Alice since she was always busy in the kitchen.

I was in the middle of my shift, I was planting new crops. Luckily there wasn't much today, which meant I could finish a little earlier if I did it all quickly. Saying that, I'd probably just go and help out somewhere else; since there was literally nothing else I could do.

My mind started wondering off, 'You seriously sound as if you have a liking for him' what Dwight said the day before was seriously messing me up. Did I really seem like that? 'I don't even feel that way. I'm pretty sure anyone would be the way I was, in that situation. But...' I sighed, 'Would they? And... that wife thing? I can't just say yes. I don't want to be with a man who has... like 5 other wives. Why- I- I wouldn't even want to be with him... haha... Oh fuck, what am I even saying?'

I finished seeding in the garden. After, I went to put to put my tools away, I was chilling out at the picnic tables by the gate. I heard vehicles coming up to the compound and my eyes widened, slightly. 'That's got to be Negan, right?' I waited, impatiently, for the gates to open. When they did, a while later, Negan came in with his men behind him. Along with someone else, who seemed to have been forced to come since he looked really angry. Who was he? I wasn't too bothered though, Negan was back. As was Dwight.

I, then, felt a sudden rush of emotion come over me, I felt my nose tingle a little as tears were forming in my eyes. 'What's going on? Why am I so sad all of a sudden?' Simon was walking towards the doors to go inside, with the man treating him kind of roughly too. I looked down, hoping they wouldn't notice me; since I was about to cry, for some reason. With my luck, I heard footsteps getting closer to me.

I looked up, it was only Dwight. I smiled, "Hey..." He pulled a concerned face, asking what happened. I shrugged, "I don't know, I just got tears in my eyes a few moments ago" I laughed, wiping them away, a bit roughly, making them slightly red. He nodded, "It looks like you're crying tears from being happy, but you look kind of sad too, Y/N" I furrowed my brows, in confusion. "Oh? How was it?"

"Oh, it was-" Dwight was interrupted, "it went well, doll" Negan moved, next to Dwight and stared at me. "Meet me the same time, tonight, doll" he walked away. My mouth left open slightly, "Wh-?" I watched him walk away for a while, then looked at Dwight; his eyebrows raised. My face heated up a bit, "Dwight?" "I, honestly, don't know... Sorry, Y/N" he blinked a few times, "good luck?" Dwight rushed away, to help Simon since the man was trying to escape. I don't know where to thought, as the gates were shut and weren't opening for him anytime soon.

Time Skip

'9:20 pm, maybe if I don't go and tell him I was sleeping, he'll just leave it?' I threw off my clothes and got into bed, lying on my side with my back to the wall, cuddling myself under my covers. I felt bad for not going but who knows what could've happen? What if it was just a repeat of last time? I sighed. Time flew by, it was 9:33 pm. Guilt crept into my feelings, but I shook it off. Just then there was a knock at my door, probably Dwight again. I didn't bother saying anything, since I didn't want to see anyone if I wasn't going to see Negan; it just seemed wrong. I took a deep breath, then my door handle turned. 'What?!' I shut my eyes, leaving them open a bit to see who it was.

'Negan?' My brows furrowed slightly, 'Why?!' I clenched my jaw, hoping not to make any noise. He shut the door behind him.

Negan's POV

I walked into Y/N's room, shutting the door behind me. I looked over to her, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. I smirked, 'What was she doing?' I walked over to her bed side, and squatted beside her. "Y/N..." I whispered. I looked at her eyes, open. 'Cheeky... but why didn't she come?' I watched her for a while, 'How the fuck would I get her to move?' I kept looking at her while I thought about a way, I raised an eyebrow as I thought of something.


I watched him as he looked at me. He sighed, pushing my blanket back, to my shoulders so he could see up to my neck. He looked at me, and just smiled. He moved his hand and moved the hair out of my face and behind my ear and shoulder. My face grew warm, which wasn't the time since he would find out. He put his hand through my hair, making me want to scream. My jaw clenched a few times. 'Fuck! Maybe he didn't realise?' He called my name again, making me gulp. 'What is he doing?' I thought, as his face got closer. He kissed my forehead. My eyes immediately flew open. My heart exploded. My face piping hot. My brain freaking out. My breathing sped up, "Wh- You- Nega- Just- I- What?" My eyes darted around the room. I was seriously freaking out. He chuckled, "I knew you were awake, doll" "Yo-You did?!" I felt a slight bit of guilt, which was soon gone since I was still in so much shock. I sat up, freaking out. "Um... Y/N?" I looked over at Negan who was staring downwards at me. I looked down, 'Oh god!' I forgot, I didn't bother changing into night clothes since it was so hot during the nights now. I quickly pulled the covers over me and started calming down.

A few moments later: I gulped, clearing my throat then asked, "Wh-why did you come here?" "You didn't come to my room, so I came to you, doll" He smirked, standing up. I stayed silent, looking down at my covers. "I wanted to talk to you, Y/N" My face was still hot, "What about?" I said, slightly quietly. "I wanted to know why you were crying earlier" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "sorry, I can't help you with that" Negan asked what I meant. "I don't know either" I sighed, as he came and sat at the end of my bed.

"I can," he cleared his throat, covering his mouth with his fist as he did, "try and help you find out why?" "Honestly?" I asked, shocked, and in disbelief. He nodded once, "why not, doll?" He winked, changing suddenly. 'What the heck, was that?' He asked what happened when it started, "What happened? You and your men came back with that new guy" he smirked, "happy to see me?" He moved in, touched his nose with mine and moved back. "Wh-what?" I noticed my cheeks were hot, I looked to the side. He chuckled, looking at my red face. I got butterflies in my stomach, 'am I seriously this nervous and shy now? Or was Dwight right? No. Of course not.' I sat there, blinking at nothing. "Did anything happen to make you really fucking sad or happy, doll?" I shrugged, "I guess?" He nodded, suggesting that maybe that's why I cried randomly. "Um... th-... thanks, Negan" I pouted in embarrassment. He smirked, showing his teeth and bit his tongue. "You're welcome, Y/N" He stood up, and walked over to the door. "Goodnight, doll, see you around?" He left after I waved him off.

I threw myself backwards, lying on the bed and sighed. Why does he keep doing that and what does it mean?

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