Chapter 13 // Unwanted Ears And New Information

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Most of the day had past by now and people were already in bed.

I was sitting on my bed, knees up, leaning against the wall. I was looking at the watch I bought a few days ago at the commissary. 9:24 pm. 'Everyone should be in bed by now, right? It's been like an hour and a half-ish since they usually go.' I got up and sorted out my clothes then headed out. I didnt bother with the watch as it was probably too dark outside to see; I kept my bracelet on, just in case.

While I was walking down I came across Zoe, who looked rather suspicious. I squinted my eyes and approached her, "Zoe?" She turned around quickly and put her hands behind her back, trying to act as if she wasn't doing anything. I stared at her arms and pointed, "what are you hiding?" I arched an eyebrow as she looked around. "Um. Nothing" She smiled awkwardly. I nodded slowly and looked to the left of me. Suddenly I attacked her arms and brang them forward. "Um..." I was lost for words. Her face turned bright red, "I can... explain, I swear!" I nodded, telling her to continue. "Okay... so... the scalpel is what I'm going to kill Negan with... it was the best thing I could find..." She paused for a while. "And the... um" I pointed to the next item, hinting for her to hurry and tell me. "I found them lying around and... thought me and Enid could use them" she hung her head, slightly embarrassed from being caught. I cleared my throat, "Okay then... I'll let you and Enid have fun with that while I take this," I take the scalpel off her and put it away, "No killing Negan, okay?" She furrowed her eyebrows, slightly angered. "I will though, and if I don't then my group will" she pouted a bit and left. I sighed, 'jeez,' I resumed to my destination.

As I stepped outside I felt the warm and light breeze against my skin. I gave a half hearted smile, and sat up against the wall. I sighed. I was so sad earlier, all I remember doing after both out stories was crying. 'I hope I didn't say anything stupid...' I sighed again. I looked up a bit, at the sky and saw the moon. I smiled, 'What do you remind me of? Almost as bright as a bunch of puppies playing around... puppies... cute' I took a deep breath in and looked to the side of my as I noticed someone walking towards me.

It was my Jasey, I smiled, "Oh, hey Jasey" I laughed slightly and looked down a bit, "sorry but, um, about earlier... when I was crying and all, if I said something weird I'm sorry and for crying too. It's... just my sister, you know?" I looked back up at him and saw that his head moved. Assuming he nodded, saying it's okay I smiled. He probably could see it since the moonlight was on me. Unfortunately, all I could see of Jase was a black figure, oddly charming and mysterious though. I patted the ground next to me, gesturing for him to come and sit next to me and he did. I didnt bother looking at him, so I just looked up at the moon. I put my head on his shoulder and hugged his arm, "thank you, Jase" I whispered. I didn't know how we got to this position so quickly; I guess it's easier to make a close friend during a world where the dead comes back to life rather than a world where the dead stay dead. He didn't respond, not that I was expecting one, because it was nice sitting here for a while. Hugging onto Jase as we just stared at the sky, he really was a good guy.

Before I realised it, Jase was shaking me to get up. 'I guess I must've fallen asleep?' I let go of him and stretched a bit, I looked over to the black silhouette next to me. "J-Jase?!" My face heated up a bit as I realised Jase wasn't staring at my face, but instead my chest. I heard him chuckle quietly, under his breath and I hit him playfully. Realising he was only playing around with me, I put my knees up closer to myself and leant against the wall. Letting Jases arm breath. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked, blinking a few times. "Two hours" He coughed after, clearing his throat since it sounded a bit different. I freaked out for a split second, before repeating what he just told me, "Two hours?!" That meant it was somewhere around 11:30 pm, "shit! Come on, Jase, let's get back. We have to get up in like  6-ish hours..." I slowed down towards the end and started relaxing again. "Oh yeah, Negan..." Jase made a confused sound, "I don't know, he just popped into my head... odd him...but intriguing, oh right... While I was coming down here I found Zoe, you know, she had a scalpel and said she was going to kill Negan but I put it away. Is that wrong? I don't know..." I sighed, "nevermind, come on, lets go" I smiled and got up, then wiped my jeans with my hands incase they had anything on them. I helped Jase up, he had rather big hands from what I remember but then again I've never really held them properly.

While we were about to walk back inside, I looked over to Jase and paused slowly. He looked back at me, waiting for me to come. Then I spoke. "Negan?" The air felt heavy and silent. It felt like we were there for an eternity before I spoke again, "It was... you?" I felt my heart drop, instantly. I heard him gulp, before replying, "Of course it was, doll" he winked, "you heard... everything?" I said slowly, he nodded. My face grew insanely hot, and tears were making their way to my eyes, once again. "Why... didn't you say anything? I thought you were Jase! I..." My eyes widened, "I hugged you..." I whispered, Tears falling down my face, although I didn't understand why. I don't think he saw because he responded with, "You've got to admit, you enjoyed it" He smirked, looking all proud. But he was right, I enjoyed what had just happened. It might not have been Jase, but I can't lie that it was fun. "You think I'm intriguing, huh?" He raised an eyebrow, as mine furrowed. I felt an anxiety come over me because he: let me hug him openly, heard that he'd come to mind, heard me call him intriguing, apologise, I told him about the Zoe incident and who knew what he was going to do to her and I fell asleep on him for two hours. What was I going to do now?

Then it popped, I could ask him why that day he had my bracelet. "N-Negan..." "Yes, doll?" His eyebrow still raised, "Why... that day, did you have my bracelet?" I asked slowly. He reminded silent for a while, before replying.

Negan's POV

'Oh Fuck...' I thought, 'Shit, shit, fucking shitty shit.' I breathed in, letting a chuckle escape before replying, "I was keeping it safe for you, doll, after all" I smirked, "I did save you from the rain" I moved a few steps closer to Y/N. So I could see her face, she looked up, she was crying? I saw a few drops falling from her Y/E coloured eyes. My eyes widened slightly, not enough for her to realise though.


Negan moved closer to me, we were only a few inches apart. My face looking directly at his chest. I moved my head slightly to the once black figure I called 'oddly charming and mysterious' goosebumps appeared on my arms. I noticed his eyes widening, ever so slightly. They showed sympathy, but what for? Because I was crying? My heart sparked, lit up and rose from where it dropped. It felt strange, but I was kind of happy now. I didn't know what to say to him, he had been so forward, "Th...Thank you" I whispered to him, as my tears were almost completely dried up, all of a sudden. Negan smiled, and didn't smirk, "you're very welcome, doll." My heart thumped a bit more than usual, was this because I was finding more information? I couldn't tell but I felt my cheeks rising in temperature, if that was even possible now.

We both stood there, staring at eachother. I didn't mind, I just hoped he said something soon because I felt like I was going to faint from the heat of my cheeks and the beating of my heart. He then moved in as much as he could and moved his head down, closer to mine. Our faces were side by side, cheeks almost completely touching. "What's wrong, Y/N?" He whispered, the heat spread to my ears. I remained silent, not knowing how to respond in words. All we could hear was the sound of our own breaths, but I felt his on my ear; since he kept in the same position. I bit the inside of my cheeks before I spoke, "N-Negan," I tried not to stutter, "What are you doing?" I felt his breath. He hitched his breathing to say he laughed. "Nothing you don't like" He whispered, his voice seeming more deep than before. My breathing remained quiet, but sped up slightly. "What's wrong, Did I catch you out, Doll?" I realised what he meant, "N-No! I ... Don't feel that way about you" "Explains why you're such a mess right now" He smirked. "Am... Not" I laughed slightly, and awkwardly. I wanted to move back and run to my room, but my body wasn't cooperating with my brain. What was he doing to me? Was it because I hadn't experienced this since before the world went to doom? Had I gone back into the shell that took me years to break? What was he doing to me?

All I could hope for was for something to stop this, seemingly endless, embarrassment. Just then I saw Negan's head move from in the corner of my eye. Instead of moving it away completely, he made it worse by moving it directly infront of mine and stared at me. Right into my eyes. I wanted to ask what he was doing but I was so busy trying to look back into his eyes, figuring out what was going on but I was too distracted by how deep and mysterious they were. I was shocked, not too long ago he seemed to hate me. Then he was helping me around while I was hurt, and now I'm here.

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