Chapter 17 // Shocking News And Seriously Sad

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It was two days ago when I apologised to Negan, when Jase told me it was true that I was saying stuff about Negan. I've seen Negan around a few times and if we made eye contact he'd kind of just smirk, look me up and down then leave. I managed to catch Dwight up on everything he'd missed, he was pretty much gob smacked. Neither Jase or Dwight had anything to say about, Jase repeating what he said last time, with nothing new to add. It was also two days ago when I saw Zoe again, since in the hall.

I was sitting on my bed, humming a nursery rhyme that seemed to pop into my head; one about counting and a fish biting a finger. Knock Knock. I looked towards my door, but all I could think of was Negan walking in. I shook it out of my head and raised my voice to say, "come in" the door slowly, but swiftly, opened.

It was Dwight. I raised an eyebrow, "Oh hi Dwight" I got up smiling as he shut the door, he smiled back. "What ar-" "It's about Negan" my face heated up slightly, "you found something?" I whispered as we got a little closer, so no one outside could hear anything. He nodded. I asked what it is and he took a deep breath then said, "Well I was talking to him, Negan, and he was telling me that he might give you another try" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "what do you mean?" He looked to the side for a while, then back at me, "to be his wife" My eyes widened, heart pumped, "Really...?" He nodded, then added, "he also never asks again, for anything, and since it's a wife position... well, it's even more shocking" I sighed, "did he tell you when?" He shook his head, "all he said was that he was going to wait for a while, and not any time soon" I put a hand to my cheek, "oh my god..." I looked down as Dwight nodded. "But hey, I just came by to tell you this" I looked back up at him, "Me and Negan are going to visit one of 'his' camps again" "but, it hasn't been a week yet..." Dwight rolled his eyes, nodding, "I know, apparently they've been hiding guns, so now Negan wants them" He sighed, as I said, "oh" in a sad tone. While Dwight was walking out he paused, before he opened the door and said, "you seriously sound as if you have a liking for him, Y/N" Dwight walked out, after saying bye and shut the door behind him.

'You seriously sound as if you have a liking for him'

What Dwight said re-played in my mind, over and over again. I decided to get it off my mind with a walk. I went down to the first floor and looked around. 'Where to go...' it was then that I saw Zoe. She was walking outside alone, I felt a sense of guilt but I pushed it aside and walked over to her. 

"Zoe!" I yelled, getting her attention and a few people around. She turned around and waved as I caught up to her. "Hi" She said, almost whispering. I smiled and we started walking outside. "How things?" I asked, trying to make conversation. "Absolute shit. I've been taken from being a doctors assistant and haven't been given my replacement job... I sit around in one of the rooms since my burn hasn't fully healed..." She sounded really depressed now, she doesn't even smile anymore.

We went and sat on the tables in the picnic area, then I apologised, "I am so sorry, Zoe, I didn't mean to-" "It's alright... Jase explained what happened" I paused, "He did? What... did he say?" "You were outside and thought Simon was Jase and told him you saw me..." 'Thank fuck, Jase.' I nodded, "yeah... I feel really guilty... If there's anything I can-" "No... it's fine..." she sighed, "I should probably get back to my room, anyway" She got up and slowly walked away, her head hanging low.

'What have I done?' I looked down, at the table while stuck in thought, "I made her so upset and I can't even do anything about it... Negan would never agree to give her back her old job, or probably even consider being nice to her... what should I do...fuck!' 

I then heard a bunch of people walking in a group, behind me, I turned around. 'Speaking of the devil...' Negan was there, with Dwight, Simon and a bunch of his other men. Probably going out now... I sighed, watching Negan as he walked passed. He didn't notcie me but Dwight and Simon did. Dwight nodded slightly and smiled, reassuringly. Simon whispered something to Negan, causing him to look over at me. When he realised it was me he smirked, but it seemed more of a smile, then looked forward again; after thanking, I think, Simon. Simon looked at me in the corner of his eye with a confused expression, then turned back. A few seconds later the gates opened for them and they were gone. The gates shut behind them.

Jase was probably busy, I hurt Zoe in more than one way; and she went back, Dwight was out with Negan, Simon was looking at me weirdly and things between me and Negan were strange. Everything was a mess. How did this manage to happen to me?

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