Chapter 12 // A Stronger Bond

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It's been around 65 days since I arrived here, but I could be wrong since I lost count somewhere along the line. It's been two weeks and I'm permanently back at work with my Jasey. He wasn't too fond of the name but he didn't mind "since it was me." I still felt a bit guilty for not telling him about the whole Negan thing but I thought it wasn't too important.

"I think I can tell you now" He said, breaking the silence as we worked in the sun. "Tell me what?" He explained how some time ago he had said I was a true friend to him, and said he'd explain later and not then. I nodded remembering the time and being slightly impressed that he remembered it, when I questioned it he replied with, "it's on my mind 24/7" he smiled slightly. I smiled back then he started to explain, "Before this apocalypse broke out, I never really got close to anyone. I always felt like I would be betrayed and hurt in the end. Since it started then up to when I met you I always pretended to trust people so I wouldn't end up dead, but I seriously didn't. A few days before I arrived here I had to kill one of the people I was with, called Y/N, coincidentally," He laughed a bit before carrying on, "they were trying to kill me when they realised I didn't trust them, which didn't make sense considering we were with eachother for a while and they said how I could kill her at any point. When I got here it was on my mind quite a bit and decided to actually trust someone. That person was you, Y/N and I'm glad. I wouldn't have changed you for the world; even if it has gone to doom." He moved over to me and hugged me tightly, then whispered, "that's why I worry for you" My mouth was left open slightly as I said his name and asked whether he meant it or not. He nodded. This made me feel so good about myself and made me feel as if I could tell him anything. Even about her.

I sighed, after explaining how much hearing that meant to me. "I guess I could tell you about her then too" I said as I looked down at my 'Sister' bracelet. Jase must've realised who I was talking about since he just kept silent and watched me. I moved my head up, and looked to the sky, as I began: "My sister was called Alana, a step sister too, she came with her mum and me with my dad, and she was a good few years older than me," I paused for a while as I tried to figure out what to say next, without crying, "our parents died while I was around 14 years old, in a fire. By then Alana was 22 and had her own place and her own car. She took me in and got custody of me, saving me from going to an orphanage. From the start me and her were really close, we just kind of... clicked?" I looked to Jase while I spoke, "I told her everything and she told me anything. We could read eachothers faces and tell when the other was upset. I looked back down to my bracelet and played with the string, "I remember she got me this a few days after we met, but anyway, when I was upset she used to take me on drives. Usually it was already raining, so we would drive around the city and admire how everything looked. She never really could see bad in anything though," I sighed deeply, "one day, I was around 20 now and she was 28, she was driving me around, not because I was sad but because we were both kind of bored. We were at a crossroad and our lights changed green. Alana started driving and just as we were about to to across completely..." I clenched my jaw a few times and I blinked, trying to push back tears, "I remember... A small van of some sort came racing at her side of the car and hit her." My tears fell faster than I could speak, "she was hit, so badly, when I woke up we were on separate beds and going in different ambulances. I wanted... to scream for her, but I could barely keep my eyes open." I felt Jases arm go around me, in an attempt to comfort me, "...after I had recovered they told me that Alana had passed away the day before..." my voice broke as I spoke and I sobbed quietly, trying not to let anyone else to hear.

Thankfully it was the end of our shift but me and Jase missed dinner and instead decided to stay at the gardens. He comforted me through it, since I was crying for quite some while and then I broke it to him. I told Jase anything and everything to do with Negan, in most detail I could. Jase was like Alana except he was still alive and I was glad. If anything happened to him, I wouldn't know how to cope. He was my 'Jasey' and I loved him. Something else I wouldn't know how to deal with was if someone ever heard me say that, they'd definitely got the wrong idea.

Negan's POV

"What the fuck!?" I whispered violently, "How?"


Most of the day had past by now and people were already in bed.

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