Chapter 22 // One In, One Out

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It was another day where me and Jase didn't have much to do, meaning we got off work a bit earlier than usual. It was the same old, no one around and we were sitting at the picnic tables. But was it?

"Last night, then, huh?" Jase said, almost whispering. I nodded, "you seem sad though, Jase, what's wrong?" He shook his head, while looking down, "it's nothing, Y/N" I gave him an unimpressed look. "Come on, Jase, you know you can trust me" he sighed, giving in, "it's just that-" Jase was interrupted by groans of anger behind him.

We both turned around and it was Dwight with Andrew, they were heading for the walkers area again. Dwight seemed to notice us staring since he looked over and just nodded, no smile. He was probably angry about last night. We watched him take Andrew over there and got him to work, he then walked over to us a few minutes later.

"You guys alright? You didn't get caught by anyone else did you?" Jase looked down a bit, shaking his head. "No, we didn't, thanks for not turning us in or anything" he smiled slightly, "it's alright" CLANG. All three of us turned to the noise; to the walkers area.

Andrew somehow managed to quickly get to the guards, they seemed unconscious on the floor, but for all we knew they could be dead. The gate was opened a bit and he yelled, "Sayonara guys!" And he ran. Me and Jase ran to the guards and checked for a pulse, still alive. Dwight ran after Andrew up to 7 steps out of the gate, but he was gone. "Fuck!" Dwight yelled as he kicked the floor, "I've got to go and report this to Negan" he stormed away inside, leaving just me and Jase next to the guards. I gulped, my heart freaking out a bit.

Just as we sat them up against the wall, a girl ran in. Rather pretty too, brown long hair with pale skin. She was panting and looked worried, she ran up to me and couldn't get her words out. I realised she wasn't supposed to be here so I told Jase to shut the gates the best he could and look after the guards until someone came. Meanwhile, I took this girl to my room, fortunately not running into anyone either.

I shut the door behind me, "if anyone comes, hide in there" I pointed towards a little wardrobe type thing. She nodded, and caught her breath. We sat down on my bed and asked if she needed anything. She shook her head and started, "I'm here for someone" I raised an eyebrow, "are you-" "Enid" my eyes widened, "Zoe's Enid?" She nodded her head fast and asked, "you know her? Where is she? Please, I want to see her. Is she alright?" The questions hit me with surprise and I just stared at her, she apologised. "Is she alright?" She asked again. I gulped, "Not exactly..." she asked what I meant, "some time ago she was burnt with an iron on her face by-" "Negan" her expression turned angry, I nodded. "It's more complicated than just at though, but besides that, I haven't seen her for ages and she's been..." "been?" "Pretty depressed, last time we spoke it didn't even last that long but she usually always spoke about you. She seriously misses you, Enid" I saw her fight back the tears and gulp, "where is she?" I shook my head, "I'm not sure, she could still be resting in the doctors area or she could be in her room now" she nodded, sadly, "can you take me to her?" I widened my eyes and shook my head. "Not now, but tonight we can. You, me and Jase" "Jase?" I nodded, "it was the boy outside with me, oh and my name's Y/N by the way" she nodded and thanked me for helping her. We then heard footsteps towards my door. We looked at eachother in panic and I opened the wardrobe door for her and she got in. "Quiet" I whispered. As I shut the wardrobe door as there was a knock at mine.

"Who is it?" I asked, gulping. "Who do you think, doll?" 'Negan.' I opened the door, "oh, hi, Negan" I smiled, my cheeks a light warm temperature. He stood leaning against the door frame. Even in this situation, I couldn't help but freak out a bit. He smirked and asked to come in. When he did, I shut the door behind him and he sat on the bed and chuckled a bit, then gestured for me to come sit next to him as he put Lucille down, leaning against my bed side table. When I did, he said, "I heard what happened out there, Jase told me you went to your room for some reason" he raised his eyebrow, as if to ask why. I shrugged a bit, "when Dwight said he was going to get you, I- guess I kind of panicked a bit?" The smirk left his face slowly, "why?" "I didn't want you to think I wasn't only looking after the guards, or any-anything" I looked down, it wasn't a complete lie. I didn't want him to think I had a thing for the guards- wait what? Not that it mattered but, 'two weeks...?'  Negan smiled, which slowly turned into a smirk as his eyebrow raised, "so that's how it is, huh?" He moved his hand and held my chin, and made me face him. "I didn't-" he chuckled, "it's fine, doll" he let go, crossed his arms and had his legs wide apart, propping his elbows on them. and looked at me as my face felt a bit warmer since the start of this conversation. He shook his head while he smiled, or smirked it was hard to tell at this point, "but you're alright?" His head was down, but facing me. I nodded, "yeah" he nodded once, then stood up. "Alright then, I'm going to go deal with this son-of-a-bitch who decided to escape-" "it wasn't Dwight's fault, don't... hurt him" he started blankly at me, after grabbing lucille. "I trust your word, Y/N" and with that he was gone. He left the room and shut the door behind him. I sighed. I guess that day, changed how he acted between us.

'Enid' I quickly rushed to my wardrobe and opened the door. Her mouth was slightly opened and eyes widened, "you and Negan are...?" I shook my head, "no, nothing like that, I swear" Enid pulled out her knife at me, "you're going to betray me, aren't you?" I shook my head, with my hands up, "no, Enid, I'm not! Why do you think I went to such lengths to keep you hidden? You'll get hurt if you're caught!" She lowered her knife, and nodded, "fine" she put it away and asked where she'll stay until tonight. "With me? I wouldn't mind, you can just stay in here and I'll bring up food for you. Just, if someone comes in, or knocks, hide there" I explained, pointing to my wardrobe. She nodded and agreed, "thanks, Y/N" I smiled, "you're welcome"

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