Chapter 40 // Y/N

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Negan's POV

"I guess you still just don't get the way it works around here," I slammed the burning iron to the other side of his face, so there wouldn't be one part without a scar anymore. I held it there as he tensed up and hesitated to scream. Clenching my jaw, I pushed one final time before slowly pulling it away. I watched as the skin was being pulled from his face, but he still sat there with open eyes.

Anger still boiled inside me, this wasn't enough. Y/N was laying in bed, she still hasn't woken up - damned doctor says he doubts she will. Simon took the iron and I picked up Lucille, resting her on my shoulder. "I wonder if you can take this like a champ' too," I grabbed Lucille with my other hand too, and swung her down onto Dwight. Gasps could be heard when Lucille bounced back. Her barbed wire dug into his now broken face, his breathing was weak but still here. I swung for him again, and his time his face ripped between his lips. Half of it was hanging backwards on the chair, while his jaw stayed attached to his neck. His filthy blood got everywhere, dripping from each scratch, scrape and rip. Dead.

Time Skip

I sat in the med' room by her bed, looking down at her. I ran my hands tightly around Lucille, slouching in the chair, only imagining her waking up. But, it never happened. The doctor soon came in, "Nothing?" I dropped and shook my head. I looked over to the equipment saying she was still alive. It didn't feel like it-

Beep. One long and ear piercing beep ran through the room, outside the open door and down the halls. I stood immediately, dropping Lucille. I didn't let myself cry infront of the doctor, or myself. I wasn't going to let myself break. But my eyebrows furrowed, the doctor was standing there - frozen. Frozen as if he was her.

"Get moving! Don't just fucking stand there!" I yelled at the top of my voice. Indirectly pleading for him to save my precious Y/N. He jumped then suddenly ran to try and bring her back. I watched over her as he started going through all the shit he needed to. I held her hand tightly, hoping.

Everything ran through me. When we sat outside together that time before we got together. When she came to Alexandria with me. When she moved into my room.

The happiness I actually felt.

A while later, her eyes flung open and Y/N took a sharp but deep breath. She panted as if she were tried, looking around in shock. Her first word was my name, "Negan?" "Y/N?!" I held to her arm and smiled. She layed back as the doctor stepped back. "How are you feeling?" I muttered to her.

She looked down to the bed, but what I hoped for her to respond with didn't come. She shook her head. Clenching my jaw, I told her everything was going to be alright. "I don't know Negan- but if-" "But nothing-" "If I do go again, just know that I lo-"

She shook slightly, her head going back. She wasn't breathing. "That I love-" She croaked out. I tried to stop her from talking, holding the sides of her shoulders, but she pushed me back a bit - holding onto my arms. "That I love you..." Using her last breath, she told me how she felt - even though we both knew how we felt about eachother. The tears left her now empty eyes, rolling down her cold cheeks.

My arms were pushed back as the doctor tried to get her back again. But as he almost did his first attempt, I held out my hand infront of him. "No" "But sir-" My eyes widened and I yelled, "I said no, can't you hear?!" He moved back and put everything away. He pulled out all the plugs and I stayed standing by her.

I took deep breaths, and told him to get out when he was done. She was going to come back, but as something else. He shut the door behind him when he left and I stood with my eyes closed. Opening them again, I ran my hand through her soft hair one last time and she turned.

The groans were like nightmares music right infront of me. Before she- or it, could get up and attack me, I put my hand over her eyes, shaking. One last breath. My own eyes closed. Jaw clenched. Not Lucille, not a gun, but a knife. I held the tip of it to the top of her head as she- it- she... or whatever, started to reach up for me. I held her down harder and pushed the knife into her head.


I took it back out and let go of her completely. I held onto the knife as if it were her life. Drops of blood hit the floor, reminding me of what those machines sounded like while they told me she was still alive. I took a tissue from the side and wiped down my knife. I put both in my pocket and opened the door.

I picked up her body and walked away silently.

A/N: Sorry for doing this but I wasn't updating a load and this story (to me at least) felt like it was dragging. Which is probably why I kept going for my other Negan X Reader. This isn't the last chapther though, there's probably only going to be one more after this.

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