Chapter 23 // Reunited

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Me and Enid waited in my room, as we listened for all the footsteps to stop. After about 30 minutes there were no footsteps heard at all. "You think they're all gone?" She asked, I shook my head. "Let's wait five more minutes, cleaners usually come back a little later" I explained. Three minutes later, footsteps were heard and we waited for them to pass. As soon as they did, Enid asked, "now?" I nodded.

I got up from the bed and opened the door. I looked both ways, down the corridor to see if anyone was around; empty. I looked back at Enid and gestured for her to come over to me. "Make sure you follow me, okay?" I whispered, she agreed and we both walked out of my room. She shut the door behind us, then we started making our way downstairs.

I looked around to make sure no one was around, then we started walking quietly towards the doctors area. "Where are we?" Enid whispered, when she got closer to my ear. "Doctors" I said quickly, since I thought I heard something. I looked around but no one was there; thankfully. We carried on walking, when we got to the doors I opened one and walked in. It was pretty dark, but not enough so that we were blind. I looked back and told Enid to stick close to the wall. We then proceeded and walked down the corridor to Zoe's room. I knocked lightly; no answer. I slowly leant on the door, so it would open, and checked the bed. "Empty" I sighed. I heard an angered groan from Enid, and she was heading for the door. "Enid, wait, we still need to check her room" I whispered, in a hurry. She paused in her tracks and turned her head to the side, "then let's get moving, Y/N" She walked out of the door and I rolled my eyes, before walking after her. We went back down the corridor and up the stairs the same way we came down, except instead of going to my room, we went to Zoe's.

We walked along the corridor to her room, I lightly knocked on her door. I heard a faint, "come in" I opened the door, only revealing it was me. "Oh, Hi" she said, pretty quietly. "I have something for you, Zoe-" I was shoved aside by Enid. She ran in and slid to her girlfriends side, "Zoe?" She turned her head towards Enid, and stared blankly; not believing it was really her. She sighed, looking back at me, "is this some type of sick joke, Y/N?" "Zoe-" "It's really me, Zoe, I swear" Enid cried at her bedside, I walked in and shut the door behind me. She looked at her once more, her eyes filled with guilt as she realised she was wrong, "Enid?" Enid nodded. Zoe sat up and got on the floor with Enid, crying while they embraced eachother.

Zoe's POV

'She's finally here, I'm finally with her' I thought while we cried on eachother shoulders. "I missed you, Zoe" she admitted, between sobs. "I almost died without you" I told her. She shook her head, in my shoulder, "no" 


I smiled, 'at least she's finally happy now' I thought to myself as I watched their reunion. They slowly stopped crying and just sat there, wiping their tears and smiling at eachother. "I'll leave you both" they turned and nodded, "Thank you" Enid said. I smiled at her and left the room. I was on my way up the stairs, to my room.

Time skip

Me and Jase went down to Zoe's room, to see the two, especially since Jase hadn't properly met Enid yet. We were laughing and talking about her when we heard a fairly loud, "hey!" Coming from the direction of their room. Me and Jase paused for a second and looked at eachother, in confusion. We ran. We ran down to her room, to see the door wide opened and one of the 'bitchy' people from Negan's men were standing there. He was holding a gun up to Enid. They were both standing up, facing the door, side by side.

"Who the fuck are you?" His posture open, ready to fire at any second. "None of your fucking business," she snapped back. The mans brows furrowed in rage, "I swear to-" "Sto-" I was interrupted by Zoe. "No, leave her! Please, don't hurt her-" Zoe begged, tears forming in her eyes. She never begged to anyone. My heart was racing, I looked over to Jase and he was the same. We stood in the door way, watching in fear. "Shut it, fuck face" he yelled, before turning his head to her then back to Enid, "I'm talking to the white whore!" My eyes widened, 'how dare he? "How dare you!" Enid yelled back, "leave her alone! Plus, at least I'm not so low to go and fuck walkers" she growled, "yeah, that's right, I saw you do that" the man was startled. "That's the last time I let a bitch talk to me" he readied the gun, and took the shot.

Everything paused. Time stopped. Except Zoe. She moved Enid out of the way. She got herself shot. My heart stopped. Enid froze. Jase gasped. She fell onto her knees, and her face hit the floor. A wet red hole going through the middle of her forehead. He just killed her. The small splashes of blood dripped off the wall, a circle around the top of her head formed. A circle of red.

"Shit..." the man whispered. Tears fell from Enid's eyes. Her breathing got faster. Her hands turned into fists. She stared at the man, she ran. She ran to attack him. She wanted his life for the one he took. The one that was most special to her. Jase ran and pulled her back, I grabbed the man. Anger in my eyes, "run, before I change my mind" he listened, and ran for his life.

Enid broke out crying.

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