Chapter 2 // Jase

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A week had passed since my first crossing with Negan, after he found me and took me in and to the compund, at the picnic tables. I hadn't given much thought to it, but that same day I made a friend while working in the tomatoes  section of my area. His name was Jase, and he arrived to the compound that day too, he was a sweet young boy. Around his mid-twenties. The past week we had really become close and we told eachother how we were before the apocalypse. When I asked why he was assigned to gardening/crops he replied with, "I heard the last worker had died." He wasn't wrong, she got very ill then passed.

I made my way down to the tomatoes section to check if any had fallen that night, I was a few minutes early so I was pleasantly surprised to see Jase already there. "Jase?" He turned around to the sound of my voice, and shone his kind-hearted smile that went more to his left, it showed his dimple in that side. "Oh, Hi Y/N" His deep, hazel eyes sparkled in the light as the sun has just fully risen. I saw a small drop of sweat go down the side of his creamy, but dark enough to realise he was brown, face, 'how long has he been here to be sweating already?' I questioned. He seemed to realise what I was thinking and put his tools down, standing up, then ran his right hand through his light brown hair. "After you told me you wake up early everyday, I decided to come and join you but I guess I came too late because you weren't here so I decided to just start work" He laughed, nervously. I laughed at how cute it was, "Jase, I go to the picnic tables when I wake up" I walked closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "how long have you been here?" Jase went silent for a minute and mummbled the time '5:00'. My eyes widened as my eyebrows raised, I told him I got up at 5:30 and I saw his cheeks go red with embarrassment. "Oh", I asked him if he remembered where I said my room was and nodded, "tomorrow, come outside my room at 5:45 so we can go down together. Okay?" A smile appeared on his face as if he were a little child, "okay!" We laughed and got down on out knees to start working on the tomatoes.

4:05 pm, "come on Jase, the whole 9 hours of work finished 5 minutes ago!" I pleaded him so we could go and get something to eat, after delivering the fresh produce for the kitchen. Just as my stomach grumbled, Jase sighed and gave in, "Alright, Alright... Alright Milady" he sarcastically bowed when he got up. Oddly enough, when he repeated 'alright' three times it reminded me of Negan, even though I hadn't thought of him since that day. He started to walk down with me and the bags of tomatoes, onions and potatoes for the kitchen, on the way he said we can go back to get out equipment after we eat. The walk felt longer than usual and tired from the sudden, out pf place hunger, so I decided to link arms with Jase and slightly lean on him. I don't hink he minded since he didn't look so tired after working more than 9 hours in the heat, which was strange, but impressive.

We finally reached the cafeteria and headed into the kitchen, "potatoes, tomatoes and onions!" Jase announced as the head chef turned towards us and smiled, "Thanks" She smiled, her name was Alice. She had pale skin, green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He nodded and we walked over to the storeroom and set down them each into their own box, after shoving the bags into our pocket for next time. As we walked back out, I saw Alice preparing us some soup and bread. I heard whenever Negans men, or 'Saviours', go out on runs along the way they always find cans of soup, for some odd reason I guess people don't like soup? I stopped leaning on Jase, and stood upright at the sight of food. Unware we were still linking arms, I ran across the kitchen to Alice. Dragging Jase along, "Alice! This will never stop looking good" She smiled and thanked me. She offered to take it out for us to the tables outside the kitchen as we looked drained, really I think she just meant me and felt sorry for Jase for having just been leant on the whole way then getting dragged violently.

We sat down at a table as Alice set down our food, then left after we thanked her. I was glad that us two being the only left gardeners, since the last one who showed me around got ill and died because there wasn't her medicine, meant we could have lunch after everyone had left. I never understood why people had bread with soup though, but I couldn't complain because it was what was keeping our bellies from starving. I dipped my bread into the soup until the bread finished, then had the few remaining spoon fulls of soup. When I looked up at Jase after finishing, he had already finished eating, but he was looking at me as if he realised something funny. I rose an eyebrow, carefully and slowly asking; "what?" He took a deep breath as if it were treatment for his held in laugh. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and moved it towards the sides of my mouth, cleaning whatever was there. "It was soup" he laughed, "it made you look like a child" my mouth opened slightly from embarrassment as I said, "w-well it's not my fault these spoons are too big for my mouth" I grinned, furrowing my brows, at my vaild point.

Just as Jase was going to respond with his big smirk which made him squint his eyes, we heard, "and who are our two love birds in the cafeteria today?" The start of the and was dragged out, the voice had a familiar deep tone to it. My brows furrowed in confusion as I looked towards the sound. Negan. 'What was he doing here?' Jase had panic written all over him, but before he could kneel I grabbed his legs with my own. When Negan recognised me he said, "Y/N? Strange, we met with me asking you a question again" he smirked, "you're with the new kid..." his eyes shifted towards Jase, "J-Jase" He chucked and started walking towards us, as he did, he pointed Lucille towards me and then towards Jase, "and... how longs this" he moved Lucille to the both of us a couple of times, "been going on?" I coughed to stop myself from laughing because of the question, but only because of the string of fear that he bought to me. Not as much as he scared Jase, though. "We're not together." I told him bluntly, his eyes widened and an eyebrow raised in disbelief. "Really?" He bent backwards and threw his head back laughing for about 2 seconds, "no way! Surely, you guys have screwed eachothers brains out by now" he placed his free hand on the table. I shook my head, then Jase responded with, "we're only friends." Negan eyed down Jase before saying, "poor guy, Y/N, did you friendzone Jase?" My brows furrowed in confusion again, "it's not like that, Negan" I dared to say his name, Jase looked at me and I could tell he was cursing in his thoughts because I said 'Negan'. The air felt heavy, and Negans expression turned more serious, "that's sir to you" he removed his hand from the table, adjusting his grip on lucille in his left hand then walked away.

As soon as he left I heard Jase sigh in relief. "Y/N, what was that?" I responded with 'what?' Even though I knew what he meant, "you can't just call him by his name, and you stopped me from kneeling too!" I shook my head as we both stood up and put our stuff in the kitchen. "Just because he's our leader doesn't mean we should kneel and call him sir, Jase" "and what if he hit you with his bat, lucille?" I shrugged, "well, oh well then. Right?" Jase sighed again as we went to retrieve out equipment, "you should be more careful, Y/N, I've seen what he does to people that don't go by his rules and I've heard he burns peoples faces with an iron as punishment too." I rolled my eyes, "he's probably let them off loads of times though, that's my second time not going by his rules and I'm fine and so will you be because I'm pretty sure he gives his newbies a first chance" we quickly headed towards the staircase and headed up them, "maybe, but he might just loose his cool if you try anything again and I'm not willing to let go of my first true friend since this apocalypse started, Y/N" I raised an eyebrow to ask what he meant by 'first true friend' and he shook his head, "maybe another time, not yet" I nodded in agreement as we got to my floor, we hugged goodbye as he went up to the next floor to his room.

I strolled through the corridor and looked at the clock as I stopped infront of my door, 4:46 pm. I opened my door and walked in before closing it behind me. I sighed, 'I know Jase is just worried about me, but I'm not letting Negan control me with fear. I'll show Jase too.' I thought as I put my equipment away with the bag that held the produce. I looked down at my bracelet and took it off, putting it in my bed side tables top drawer. I peered into the small-ish mirror hanging on the wall and sorted out my hair, after it had been a bit messed up from going outside to get the equipment; considering the wind started to pick up. I went and sat on my bed, leaning against the wall, wondering what I could do with the few spare hours. I got up, after deciding to search the compound as I hadn't really got time to yet. I changed my into top into a fitting pastel green with long sleeves, and put my mud-covered top on the washing pile in the corner of my room. I changed into skinny grey jeans, and some flats.

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