Chapter 8 // Sister

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Warning: very sad chapter! Be mindful when reading

I wasn't going to lie, this past week has been really hectic for me. We got a new arrival, called Zoe. She was nice and worked as the doctors assistant. I hadn't seen much of Negan because he kept leaving the compound, Jase managed to fall lightly ill. He couldn't work because he worked as a gardener and the doctor didn't want anything getting ruined so he told Jase he should stay in bed until he had fully recovered. Jase didn't want to but since he was going to be spilling germs if he worked, he took the doctors advice. I've seen Dwight around, but not as much since he was usually with Negan but he did help out on one of the days. On Thursday Negan had burnt another mans face for trying to commit murder to one of the cooks because, for the most petty reason yet, they, "added too many tomatoes and they know I dont like too many in my food." Before Negan burnt him he said how he's lucky to still be eating everyday and not to be such a "selfish motherfucking dick."

I had just given the kitchen some carrots that were ready to be picked, Alice said that they'll probably make carrot cake tomorrow. Since in the last run they got enough ingredients for it. I wasn't a big fan of carrot cake up it's fine, We haven't had any form of dessert for a long time.

I, now, was sitting next to the door of the entrance to get back inside. I had my back against the wall and sat on the floor, Jase was still resting, Zoe's shifts were usually longer than ours, Alice was always in the kitchen and I had no idea where Dwight was. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a very small drawing book, with a pencil. I wasn't too great at drawing but I did it anyway, helped me escape things when they got tough for me. I looked at the small bush that was growing next to me, a gave an unimpressed smile then sighed. I started drawing it, starting with lines for the little twings.

As I did, My bracelet came into view while I drew. I paused. I watched it as the suns reflection move across it, while I moved at at different angles. I ended up putting my book and pencil away, as I was lost in gaze.

I was out here for so long, staring at it, that I hadn't realised it started raining. My book was covered well and since it was only spitting rain it wouldn't get wet. Everyone had gone inside, as of the rain was going to hurt them; but I didn't bother. I sat there as my hair got damp and I looked up at the sky. I sighed. The rain was always pretty.

I remember when my sister used to take me on drives sometimes while it rained. She always saw beauty in everything, good or bad. She understood everything. I remember that time too. Tears pricked in my eyes. I closed them to hold it all in. Each moment of that memory, burned into my brain. I pulled my knees closer to my face and wrapped my arms around my legs. The rain started coming down a bit more as I sat there. I felt the drops on my arms and head, my hair almost completely soaked. 

Next thing I knew, I was awake in my room. I must have fallen asleep out there. My hair was wrapped in my towel, and someone tucked me in. I pulled the covers off of myself, after taking off the towel on my head, and realised I wasn't in the clothes I wore earlier today. Instead, I was just in a very long top, that went down to the top of my knees, and my underwear. I knew I was fairly small, but this is just mean. I looked around to see wear my clothes were and I saw them scattered on the floor. Left to dry. I sat up to see if the person had left a note, but nothing was left.

I frowed, what I would do for a hug right now. I didn't even know why I felt so low anymore, I just did. I went to play with the string of my bracelet, 'Where did it go?' My eyes widened slowly. I looked in the drawers and the top of the bed side table. 'Not here...' I felt like crying, I looked through my clothes on the floor. It was gone. I felt the saddness and ang bubble up in me. 'I need to find the person who brang me here, I bet they took it' Tears were sitting in my eyes, refusing to fall down my cheeks. My vision went really blurry while I was walking down the stairs. While I went to rub the tears away, I slipped, missing a step and fell. "Fuck!" I whispered aloud. The fall felt pretty bad considering both arms and the left side of my hip bruised pretty quickly. I didn't care though, I needed my bracelet back. I walked around, asking people if they had seen who took my to my room. As I did, I held my left hip with my right hand and was kind of bending forward slightly. It felt like I had asked everyone, but no one said they knew. I dropped around the corner, away from everything and everyone, and I sat there, just crying. My side and arms hurt as hell and I've lost my bracelet. "Could this get any worse?" I whispered to myself, in the middle of crying.

Just then, Jase went past. He stopped and stared in silence, his jaw dropped. "Y/N? Wh-What happened?" He kneeled beside me, and pulled my right side into his chest, hugging me. "I don't know..." I explained everything that happened with Negan, considering it still bothered me, I told him about Dwight. "And I've lost my bracelet my sister gave me before..." I coughed, "I fell down the stairs and bruised my arms and left side of my hip" I moved my head and I cried into his chest. He stayed by me and comforted me. 5 minutes later, my tears had dried but my eyes were red and sore. My bruises felt worse too, talking to Jase really helped to get things off my chest. He was silent for a moment before saying, "Y/N, Do you miss, or maybe have a thing, for Negan" I stared at him with deadly eyes, "no." I said bluntly, "how could I like a man who has multiple wives and honestly doesn't care about anything or anyone?" I looked away from him, relaxing my expression and looked forward towards the wall. "Okay, just the way you described it earlier... " he stopped knowing I understood what he meant. I nodded, "It does, but I know for a fact I don't like him Jase" He smiled, nodding about it. "Alright."

Speaking of the devil, just then we saw Negan and Dwight walking this way. I touched my eyes, 'still puffy and probably red too... fuck' I didn't want them, especially Negan, to see me like this. I clenched my jaw. As they got close enough to us, they stopped and stared. I suddenly looked down, Jase was still looking up and them both. Negan just stood there, holding lucille. Dwight turned his body fully towards us, "Y/N...? Where you...?" I didn't reply, but I felt Jases neck moving, telling me he was nodding. I closed my eyes hoping the seemigly endless embarrassment would come to a final end. That was before I heard a deep voice ask, almost in a whisper, "What happened to your arms?" My eyes opened within a millisecond. I slowly met his gaze, I opened my mouth. Trying to explain and that it was nothing, but not a sound escaped. Jase realised I was trying to speak and spoke for me, "She was trying to find something and along the way, down the stairs, she fell pretty badly and bruised her arms and left side of her hip" My gaze lowered in shame, but I was thankful Jase didn't mention that I was crying or what I was looking for. "What was it?" Negan asked, rather angrily. Jase started to tense up, "I-it was a bracelet of hers..." I mentally face palmed. I wanted to run back to my room and curl up in the corner. 'Jase... Why did yo-' "this one?" He reached for something in his jeans front pocket. He pulled out a bracelet, black thread with a thin silver block saying 'Sister'. I put my now shaking hand to my mouth and I nodded. Dwight looked at Negan with confusion, but he didn't look back. Negan held out the bracelet to me, and I took it and immediately started crying. I held it to my chest and whispered, "oh my god..." then it hit me. Why did Negan have my bracelet?

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