Chapter 25 // Burial

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Yesterday night was the time when Negan made me that promise. The promise to bury Zoe and give Enid what was hers, I may have to lie and say I gave half of my points for it but at least it's something. Plus, Negan went out of his own way to do this for me.

Me and Jase were finishing up in the gardens, we were taking our tools back to our rooms. On the way up the stairs, I decided to break it to him. "Jase?" He looked over to me and asked what it was. "I managed to get a burial for Zoe-" "What! Really? How?!" He interrupted. "And get Enid all the items Zoe owned too! Including the job!" I smiled widely, looking over to Jase who was gob smacked. "How?" He whispered in shock. "I gave Negan half of all my points for it" I smiled. "Wait, really?" He asked, I nodded. "Y/N, don't get me wrong, but isn't that a bit much?" He asked. I shrugged, "I see what you mean Jase, but this just seems right" He nodded, respecting my decision; but also agreeing with it.

We got to my room, to chill out but to also tell Enid the news. I opened the door and shut it as soon as Jase walked in. "Hey Enid, Guess what?" Jase said, with a smile on his face. Enid was sat on a chair, facing downwards, "what?" She whispered. "Y/N has some good news!" She looked over to me and I explained what was happening; but added that it was myself, Jase, herself, Dwight and Negan and it was tonight. Tears formed in her eyes and she thanked me, then told me that even if she couldn't bring back Zoe she was glad I managed to get her a burial. She was very impressed that I got her to get her all of Zoe's stuff too.

Time Skip

All three of us were getting ready for the burial. Jase went up to his room, while me and Enid stayed in mine. I heard a knock at my door and when I opened it I wasn't surprised to see Jase. I smiled, letting him in, "I saw Dwight taking her body out of her room, just so you know" I nodded. We heard Enid sigh, "How do I look? Am I okay? Oh god..." we turned to her, she was looking down; kind of stressed about it too. Jase smiled and put his hand on her shoulder, "hey, it's alright, Enid-" "Yeah, you look awesome" we comforted her for a while then headed out to the gates.

When we got to the gates, we saw Negan and Dwight waiting. While we were walking over I looked at Negan, he seemed to notice since he smirked at me and shook his head a bit. "Alright guys, in the back" he announced, as he pointed to he back. We were all heading back when I felt him grab my arm, "I need you to hold her body upright, up in the front with me Y/N" My eyes darted to the others. Dwight was holding a shovel and he nodded, I nodded back, "okay" Jase, Enid and Dwight all went round the back and hopped in, shutting the doors behind them. I walked around and sat in the passengers seat, next to Zoe's body, which was separating me from Negan while he started up the engine.

As he slowly drove through the gates he said, "Earlier, some of my men came back from a run and they brang back a woman" Negan said. "Okay" I said, wondering why he was telling me that. "Yeah, they found her walking by herself, maybe you can... you know, get to know her?" He looked at me for a split second, I nodded, "O-oh, okay, yeah sure-" "I'll show you her tomorrow, then" I saw him smirk a bit.

Negan drove off the side of the road, a about 30 seconds into driving and headed into a little bushy part. "Close to the sanctuary, but hidden" He said, "you got her?" He said, gesturing to the lifeless body I was holding between us. I nodded, him nodding back. He got out of the van and shut the door. While I got out and was pulling Zoe's body, I heard him open the back doors and say, "well, come-fucking-on then" he walked away. He came over to me and helped pull her out. I bit the inside of my cheek a bit, 'Jesus Christ... that's kind of- I shouldn't be thinking like this! I'm burying a friend!'

A while later, Dwight dug a hole big enough for Zoe and we were all standing around it. Zoe was inside, me, Jase and Enid to the left as Negan and Dwight stood to the right; Dwight still holding that shovel. Enid was sniffling, fighting back the tears as Jase stood beside her trying to comfort her. We all looked down for a while. "Anyone want to say anything or can we wrap this up?" Negan asked, as I looked at Enid and she nodded, "you can" I whispered.

Dwight started pouring the mud on her, and rather slowly too. I heard Negan sigh, putting Lucille down, then say, "Pass it here, Dwight" He took the shovel and started quickly digging up the pile of mud to fill the hole. While I was watching him, I couldn't help but admire him. I shouldn't have been thinking like that and a time like this, but I couldn't help it. 'He looks some what good' I admitted. I clenched my jaw, it was weird to be saying it but it was true. A few minutes later, when he finished he tried to flatten the top of it as much as he could; then took a deep breath in. Enid turned a ripped out a flower to the side, "something pretty, for someone pretty" she placed it on top and dug the end of it into the mud; so it couldn't get blown away by the wind.

We all walked back to the van, sitting in the same places we came; except now, there wasn't anything between me and Negan. As he started up the engine he said, "I saw you" I looked at him, with furrowed brows filled with confusion. "While I was filling her grave" He smirked, looking at me before he started driving; one hand on the wheel. "O-oh" I looked forward, cheeks heating a bit. He chuckled, "Like what you see, hey, doll?" I cleared my throat, not answering. On the short way back he didn't say anything else.

When we got back and got out, we all stood infront of the, now shut, gates. "Enid, was it?" Negan looked at her, "well, all of Zoe's is now yours. So congratulations, or whatever the fuck you want to say" he shrugged. She didn't say anything, just a nod and Jase walked her away towards the doors inside. Dwight had gone to put the shovel away as I turned to Negan.

"Thanks" I smiled, looking down a bit. He chuckled slightly, "you're welcome, Y/N" he put his hand to my chin and held it up, so I was looking at him. My eyes moved from both of his; left to right, right to left. I felt my cheeks go lighly warm, I just nodded. He let go, "you can go now, if you want" I nodded again. I turned to walk away, turning back to ask, "what are you going to do now then?" He smirked, "what? Want me to walk you?" My body tensed, "No- I just-" he moved his head slightly, as he walked a few steps, "come on, then" I felt my heartbeat increase a bit, 'how?'

When we got up to my floor, he was walking me to my room. "Um- thanks, Negan" he shook his head, smirking, "don't mention it, doll- literally. But your fucking welcome" I smiled at him, giving a different feel to it, and he furrowed his brows, "what's this, Y/N? Warming up to the one and fucking only?-" "oh look, it's my room, um- bye" I opened the door and quickly turned to shut it, last second Negan slipped his foot in the way, "see you tomorrow, doll" he winked, making my cheeks heat up again. He walked away, and I quickly shut the door. I sighed, turning around after realising Enid would be here. 'I guess she's staying with Jase, then?" I looked around, with no sight of Enid.

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