Chapter 32 // An Old Face

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I was glad I got Negan to agree to let me carry on working yesterday, while we were hugging. He really didn't like the idea, but after I told him I enjoyed spending that time with Jase and the others he gave in.

Me and Jase were working about an hour into our shift when Dwight was walking past. I turned around, hearing his strangely familiar footsteps and yelled out to him, "Hey, Dwight!" He turned, and smiled; then started heading over. In the corner of my eye I could see Jase panicking a little.

Before I could even start to being to explain what happened yesterday Dwight sat down with us and asked, "So... Y/N, I heard Negan got rid of all his wives," He smirked, "Was it you?" I gulped hard, and felt my face burn, "Y-Yeah... I was just about to tell you guys" He laughed, "Story time, then?" I nodded and began explaining.

Time Skip

"You cuddled?!" Jase violently whispered. "I prefer to say hug... but uh- yeah" I grinned, looking at the floor. "Then before he walked me to my room, he got rid of his wives-" "What did he say?" Dwight asked, his eyes as big as bowling balls. "Just... he told them to go and that he wasn't interested in either of them anymore," I blushed and they both smiled at me. "Jesus, Y/N, you've changed him... it's unbelievable..." Dwight said, clapping as if it were an achievement. I nodded. "So where do you stay?" Jase asked, shaking my arm. I laughed, "My own room, I told him I might move in with him later... it kind of felt too soon and-" "How are you still working?" "I asked him if I could stay-" "how does it feel?" "It's okay I guess... it's not even been a full 24 hour-" "I'm so happy for you both! You both clearly liked eachoth-" Dwight was suddenly interrupted.

"Dwight?" He paused for a second, and turned his head towards the voice. "Sir-" "what's going on here?" He asked. "Nothing- I- We- Um-" "I suggest you get back to work," and with that Negan smirked and winked at me. Then walked away. I felt my cheeks burn as I shyed up; I hope he didn't hear me explaining the whole thing. "So, I guess I've got to work again huh-" I interrupted him, "Oh wait, could you stay here for a second? I need to talk to Enid and Rosanne... I'll be back" I stood up and awkwardly walked around them, over to the two that had just sat down together.

As I was walking over, I could hear them flirting. Just a few mumbles, and Enid biting her lip as she blushed... A little like a story, I guess? "Hey guys?" They turned and smiled. I sat down opposite them and asked if I could talk to them for a second. "Of course" Rosanne said. "Well... you know the other time? I needed to speak to you guys? Yeah... well um- I'm here so-" "Oh yeah, go ahead," Enid smiled. "Well, I don't know if you guys have noticed but you see how Dwight and Jase are really shy about eachother?" They nodded, "well, I want to try and hook them up with eachother... Can you help me?" Enid's smile grew so wide with excitement it was hard to miss, and she nodded quickly. Rosanne looked over at them, "Heck yeah, We will... but look at them now" She laughed, "They're so sweet"

As we watched them for a while, we noticed how much more shy Jase was compared to Dwight. "I've called them Dase- by the way" "Dwight tops?" Enid whispered, slightly shocked. I nodded, "of course! Jase bottoms all the time, and forever" she nodded and just as I was about to leave we hear the gates open.

"The gates don't usually open until later..." I mentioned. As Dwight was supposed to be near the gates, before I pulled him away, he started walking over closer to us with Jase. When they got here he told us that he'd be back and went to check out what was happening. We all waited silently for a reaction, and suddenly his eyes widened slightly, which quickly turned angry.

A few of the saviours were walking in, "Why does he look so ang-" 'Andrew?!' I wasn't going to lie to myself, after everything that's been happening, I had completely forgot about him. And now he's back. He exchanged angered expressions with Dwight, then kept his gaze forward. I would've thought he had successfully got away by now, I guess not. As he was being dragged inside, Negan walked out, holding Lucille; and the gates closed. "A-Andrew?!" Enid mumbled. "you know him?" I asked. She nodded, "He escaped a few moments before you arrived..." I told her, her eyes were wide.

We all moved a few steps closer, as Dwight joined us, still angry. And we heard the conversation. "Andrew... Andrew... Andrew..." Negan smirked, "Did you really fucking think you could get away?" He hung his head low, angrily, not saying a thing. "Boys... where was he hiding?" "He was on the move sir, towards Alexandria, we think" One of the saviours said. He nodded, "you are lucky you weren't hiding there... because we would have some real fucking issues then..." Andrew snarled at Negan. Making his expression grow more angry. "I hope you like your music boy... Take him away!" And with that he was gone. 

Negan watched him go, then looked around until he spotted Dwight. He walked over, with a stern face and spoke. "Looks like you have your special duties again Dwight... good luck with that son of a bitch" Dwight nodded and Negan walked away, not looking at me; or anyone else.

* A/N: thanks for 5k+ reads guys o.o gees *

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